Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

It's Monday and I'm backstage at Josh's interview. He just went out and they're just talking about what he's been working on. I kind of zone out and I'm playing a game on my phone when it starts to get interesting.

"So tell us about this girl you've been seeing." Says Ellen, the interviewer.

"Well, she's here with me-" he starts but she cuts him off

"She's here? well why don't we invite her out?" She says

"That's a great idea!" Josh says.

Before I can even object a stage hand is taking me toward the stage and I'm walking in front of at least 150 people. Thankfully I actually did something with my self. I'm wearing a red dress, white heels, and my hair is in an updo.

To my surprise people are actually clapping for me and cheering. I smile and wave. I hug Ellen and we tell each other that it's nice to see each other. I sit beside Josh and cross my legs.

"So Lauren, how'd you and Josh meet?" Ellen asks

"At a Kentucky basketball game." I say. Me and Josh are holding hands. He gives me a reassuring squeeze.

"It was almost like love at first sight." Josh says with a laugh. The crowd awhs.

"So is it hard dating someone that's not in the business?" She asks Josh.

"Uhm..yes and no." He says thinking about it. "I mean definitely no because instead of having to deal with two very busy, hectic schedules, it's just mine, and usually I can take her along. But it's hard for even me being in the business because there are times when she can't come along with me, but overall I'd say it's good to be dating someone out of the business because we don't have to work around two different schedules."

"I don't know how he does it half the time, because after a week or two going nonstop, he starts to get very tired, and when he does have time off, even for a short time, most of our focus is getting him rested up, and it does get aggravating not being able to see him as much as I'd like, but he loves what he does and I love that he loves it so it's worth the little bit of trouble we get." I add.

"And how is it for you, Lauren? Dating someone as known as Josh?" Ellen asks me

"Well, I never treated Josh like he was famous. Actually the first time I met him I blew him off." I say laughing at the memory.

"Really?" She asks

"Yes I was caught up in the book I was reading!" I say laughing. "But yeah, no its like he's two different people sometimes. I mean not in the way he acts, it's just we can be laying on the couch back in Kentucky at his parents then we can come here and go to a premier and it's like 'wow my boyfriend is famous' ya know? It's funny sometimes because we'll go to the beach and someone will be like 'can I take a picture with you' and I think why does someone want picture with Josh? Then I'm like duh." I say. Every one laughs.

"Well you're sort of famous now too." Ellen says

"I don't feel like it. I mean I see someone sometimes that's like 'wow you're dating Josh' and I just don't see me as famous or anything." I explaine.

"Oh please." Josh says "when I went on the premier tour I had at least a 100 people ask me about you."

I just laugh.

"So what's it like seeing Josh kiss other girls like in movies or on set?" Ellen asks

"Well, I mean it's not something I let get to me, because I know at the end of the day he's with me, and neither of us are really the jealous type. And honestly the only person I've seen him kiss since we've been together is Jennifer. And Vanessa."

"Which one is harder seeing him kiss?" Ellen asks

"Uhm, probably Vanessa because he's dated her, and I know the friendship between him and Jennifer." I explain.

"So what have you been doing since you've moved here with Josh?"

"Mostly I've just been his support system. I haven't really focused on anything else because it's a really hectic time for him and his schedule is really busy and I just focus on getting him where he needs to be and making sure he has enough sleep. So I don't focus on myself much." I say

"What do you want to do?" Ellen asks me

"I like taking pictures and I think it would be cool to be a model but you know, every one can dream." I say with a laugh.


Josh's POV

When the interview is over me and Lauren head to the beach. I'm a little worried about what she said in the interview. She must've noticed how worried I was because she asks me what's wrong.

"I feel like me and my career are holding you back from what you want to do." I say

"What? No not at all!" She assures me

"Don't try that Lauren. If you want to model I can try to make that happen." I say.

She thinks about it. "Well it is something I'd like to try." She says quietly.

"Then you should." I tell her.

When we get to the beach we just walk down the beach together holding hands.

"Your smile." She says after a few minutes of walking silently.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Our game. I like your smile." She says.

Oh right our game. We take turns telling each other things that we like.

"I like your smile as well." I say

"Is like the way you make me feel." She says.

We walked down to a remote part of the beach where you can't see anyone. I lay down and she lays beside me. She rests her head on my outstretched arm, and lays her arm on my chest tracing circles with her fingers over my shirt.

"How do I make you feel?" I ask.

"Like I'm the only girl in the world." She says laughing.

"You're my only girl." I tell her.

She kisses me.

"You're my only anything." She says pulling back.








Sorry it's short

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