Part LII

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William's POV- January 2017

Auston looked at Mariana.

"You could have warned me what I was getting into"

She laughed and filled three mugs with coffee. I reached for the mug closest to me and took a big gulp. Esmeralda had class until 4PM, so Auston was spending the day with us.

"Did meeting Esmeralda's family not go well?" I asked.

"No, it went great. Her brothers are just really intimidating"

I looked at Mariana who nodded as she spread Nutella on her waffle.

"Her brothers are as intimidating as George and dad are with Adrian"

Yesterday I had formally met Mariana's dad, and he was actually really nice, at least to me. He was a lot more strict to Adrian than he was with me. Part of it had to do at the fact that Mariana had made her dad promise he'd be nice to me. It had been a while since my last panic attack, and I was really thankful for that. Adrian does come off as a dick to some people, but that might be because of the language barrier. Some blame the tattoos, others blame his resting bitch face. Lorenzo joked around last night that Adrian would fit great with the Kings because he shows no emotion like head coach Darryl Sutter and starting goaltender Jonathan Quick. 

"But Lorenzo and George like Adrian, they just do that to mess with him" I stated.

Mariana wiggled her eyebrows as she took a sip of her smoothie.

"Wait, so you're saying they actually like me?"

She smiled.

"I never told you this, but"

She pointed her perfectly manicured nail at him.

"They're a bit pissed at the fact that Esmeralda didn't tell them sooner, but Jon and Mat approve of you"

He smiled.

"That's reassuring"

He looked at me.

"How did meeting Mariana's family go?"

"I have yet to meet her mom, she's in Mexico or something" I replied.

He nodded.

"George wasn't there last night, so that was a bummer" I admitted.

"Answer the question Willy"

I smiled.

"It went real well" I answered.

"You have a step sister, right?"

Mariana nodded.


"She's really nice" I stated.

Auston grinned.

"Did she feed your ego?"

"Oh yea" I said.

I shrugged as they both laughed.

"Food was real good" I added.

Last night was great, I got to eat yummy food with the people that Mariana loves. I also got a chance to catch up with an old teammate.

"So what are you two doing today?"

"We were supposed to go to Disneyland but we had to accommodate you" I told him.

I smiled.

"Remember that one favor I owed you?" I asked.

He frowned and looked at Mariana who was laughing.

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