--Chapter Twenty-Nine--

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I am finally starting to feel like myself again as they move me back to my cell. I don't struggle as they remove the restraints and dump me onto the cold floor. My body is too exhausted to fight right now, even though I want to.

I hear them leave and the door shuting as I curl up on the floor, shivering. It's not that I am so cold, but I can't help it. It must be the drugs they put in me, or something. But goosebumps cover my bare arms and I rub them, trying to warm them up.

After waiting several minutes, the shivering stops and I finally start to warm up. I also can tell that my anger is returning and I relish in it. I wanted it back because at that the moment, it seemed like it was the only thing I could control. The only thing that was really mine, But now, they can take it away whenever they want. And that scares me.

Stretching my legs, I rise and face the glass wall where I know Zane is on the other side. And I am not disappointed. He is sitting behind his desk, studying what I assume to be the 'liquid emotion'. As I watch him, I remember the feel of his hand on my shoulder. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I could say that it was almost... pleasant. But to be honest, I didn't understand why I didn't abhor it. After all he had done to me, I should've hated his very guts. But I didn't and still don't.

However, that didn't make me change my mind about my plan to win. And I would win, no matter what it took. I would get him back for all that he had done. Even though my conscience is telling me to forgive him, I slap it and lock it away. I need to do this. For my family. They were taken away from me when we should have stayed together. And anyone who could do such a thing wasn't worthy of forgiveness in my eyes.

So as an idea comes to me, I take hold of it. I barely contain the grin that wants to break out on my face as I stare at Zane. The plan has to work. It must. And when it does, he will regret hurting me and my family. And then he'll wish he was never born.

Finally, he looks up from his work and catches my eyes. I don't smile, and I don't frown. I keep my face completely impassive as I look at him, making him confused. Making him work to know what I am thinking. I know he is trying to figure me out, but he won't succeed. At least, not if I have anything to say about it.

Then, when I slowly close my eyes and collapse, I know he will come. He's the curious type, and he thinks that he can figure anything out just by studying it long enough. Well, I'm one thing that tactic won't work on.

SO sorry for the wait! I forget about updating sometimes X( anyway, here is your update! :P (I feel like all I ever do in these authors notes is apologize for the wait and thank you for reading XD I'll have to work on that)

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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