Chapter 22

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Camila's POV

Luckily for me, the tension around the incident in the lake quickly evaporated and soon, things were heading in the right direction. I was currently holding Lauren's hand, trying to calm her nerves in the direction of the field to watch her play yet another match.

Considering how their last match evolved, I was still not comfortable with the sport. More so when I knew there was a chance of Lauren getting hurt. This wasn't one of their usual matches though. Apparently, there were rumors about some type of scouts attending. Not to necessarily watch Lauren, but either way, Lauren was excited, which meant I was excited.

Entering the small stadium, I sat down on the bleacher, giving Lauren a kiss before watching her go off with the rest of the players. It took half an hour before the referee blew his whistle, marking the start of the game, but it took me only five minutes into the game before I went on my phone, attempting to escape the anxiety of watching the players not being less brutal than last time. After stalking Tumblr for a while, Lucy sat down next to me, still in her overdrafts jersey.

"Still the supporting girlfriend I see. You're really kind to show up at every game." She commended with a polite smile.

"Yeah, I um. I don't understand much, but Lauren really likes it." I blushed, putting away the phone.

Lucy clucked, "It's hardly as complicated as it looks. Honestly, it's all about getting that ball into that goal." She pointed helpfully.

I followed her finger, trying to pay attention to the game, which went just about as well as my first attempt.

 "So... Why aren't you playing?" I asked, trying to make some small talk as I had noticed Lucy usually were on the field most of the time.

"Soccer isn't really my thing anymore. I guess I thought playing on the team would mean being closer to Vero." Lucy admitted and I was surprised she talked so openly to me. "Sorry, that was a really embarrassing thing to say." She blushed, fixating her gaze on the field.

"No, it's not." I said honestly. "It's really sweet actually. I could never have done something like that, but that has more to do with the fact I'm worthless when it comes to anything that includes a ball, or winning." I chuckled.

"You won Lauren's heart." Lucy smirked, giving me a light bump with her shoulder. "Some will say that's quite the accomplishment."

Feeling my cheeks burn up, I tucked a few strays of hair behind my ear. "Do you think the scouts will recruit Lauren? I'm aware my knowledge of soccer isn't exactly impressive, but do you think she's good enough?" I asked with my eyes trained on my girlfriend.

Lauren looked focused, her eyes following the ball while her feet where moving strategically.

"Your girlfriend definitely has talent enough. I actually took a round to see if I could pick up something, and they seemed to be very impressed. It's just a matter of time before the bigger leagues notice her." She told excitedly. "Think about all the places she'll see!"

"Imagine that." I tried to sound happy, but there was this growing lump in my stomach when I thought about Lauren traveling.

Surprisingly, Lucy stayed for the rest of the match, talking with me animatedly. She explained the several of positions, and what type of foul that was made when the whistle sounded.

"It was good talking to you, Camila." Lucy said as the final whistle came. She gave me a last smile before running onto the field, straight into Vero's arms. Later, I found out they'd won with a total of 4-0. I rose to my feet to meet Lauren by the fence.

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