Chapter 9

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An: SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE. I hate waiting for updates. :( So I know how you feel. And just to be clear for you guys, Zayn is NOT, One Direction famous. He's just... You'll see.. :D Comment your ideas and vote please! <3


I start to hear faint mumbles, or, just words being said while I flutter my eyes open, still trying to remember the dream from 30 seconds ago.

"Amber you're awake!" I hear a booming voice announce, louder than I would prefer it to be.

"Yeah." I say, pushing myself up, and rubbing my head. I still have that horrible headache from yesterday.


I smile remembering the awkward position that Zayn and I were left in, and I start to remember about the food, our cheap jokes. Then a thought occurs to me. How did he get that much money? To buy, all of that?

Zayn sits on the bed across the room and stares at me. Waiting for me to get up I assume. I lean up and rub my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light shine through the window.

"What?" It was bothering me that he was just looking at me with smirk on his face.

He coughed, then pointed towards my stomach area. I look down, to see my robe a little undone, letting a fair amount of cleavage show. I must have fell asleep in it!


I rush to pull the robe over my chest. Heat starts to fill my cheeks, and A grin breaks across Zayns face, he looks down at his shoes and back up at me.

"I um... Sorry. I didn't know that, it was.. Yeah." I say awkwardly, hanging my head in shame. I feel disgusted. They didn't fully show, but enough to pleasure a guy. If I would have moved any more, the robe would have came loose and fall. Then I would be in a serious amount of deep shit.

"No no, you're alright. Really." He says, waving his hand as if pushing off the conversation.

After a awkward moment of silence, my foot starts to throb. And pain shoots up my leg.


Zayn slowly gets up and walks to me.

"I'll give you medicine for that after you eat." He says, placing a plate of scrambled eggs, two pancakes, and a sausage in front of me.

"How do I know you didn't poison it." The words left my mouth and I soon regret it.

"Do you not trust me?" He says, giving me a look of anticipation.

"Why should I? You only kidnapped me." Anger takes over pain as I remember what he did to me.

Zayn clenches his jaw and let's out a long sigh, he walks closer to me, and grabs the plate. "If you don't want to eat, then fine. But don't come running to me like a bitch when you're hungry."

He places the plate out side the door on a tray, slamming it on the metal, then slams the door and plops on the bed.

What happens to sweet Zayn last night? The giggly happy Zayn?

I catch myself staring at him, his arms raised up, and underneath is head supporting it.

"Well are you going to get ready?" He spat. Turning his head to look at me.

"For what?"

"We are leaving here. And in five minutes too. So hurry your ass up. I'll be waiting in the limo down stairs."

A confused look spreads across my face. "First off, why are we leaving? Second, when the hell did you get a limo!?"

"I'll tell you later. Stop auguring and get ready."

Auguring? I wasn't auguring? Just asked a question.

He gets up and grabs a two bags, leaving one behind, and slams the door shut. I look around. Looks like he tidied up before I awakened.

Eventually, after several minutes of struggling. I managed to get myself up and walk over to the back. Barley a limp now. The pain didn't feel as bad as I thought. The bag contains of the clothes Zayn had bought me the night before. Something is hard at the bottom. A few things actually.

I throw the clothes up on the bed and dump the objects onto the bed.

Toms and... A phone? Did Zayn really trust me with a phone? I clicked the home button and the screen lit up. Out of curiosity I to the contacts, just to make sure he didn't leave his phone In this bag.

I tried to load the rest of the contacts, but only one appeared.

"Zayn." I read aloud.

I throw the phone on the bed and put my hands on my hips letting out a long sigh. After a few minuets of tussling with the clothes, trying to get them on, I managed to do so. I gathered up everything and walked down the stairs as fast as I could. It's been over 5 minutes.

I see a black limo parked outside, with a bald dude leaning against it.

"Mrs. Stewell, your ride is here."

I jumped at the voice from behind the counter, I hadn't realized that I was just staring at the car.

"Yeah thanks!" I shine her a polite smile, and hurry out the door.

The bald man stepped back, and opened the door. I see Zayn sitting inside, dressed sharp with black shades covering his eyes. He's just staring down at his phone texting someone.

"You can enter now, mrs. Stewell." The man said, still holding the door open.

"Why?" I say, just looking at Zayn, not even taking a glance at the bald man.

"Lewis, can you give us a second." Zayn huffs and sets his phone down. Lewis nods approvingly and walks in the hotel doors.

"Why should I get in this car-"

"It's a limo."

"No shit." I spat. "Let me finish."

Zayn raises his eye brows and motioned his hands for me to continue.

"Why should I get in this limo, with you. You know what... Just take me home. Please?" I set the luggage on the limo floor and duck my head and lean in. I have no where else to go, and Zayn seemed like a ride or die guy. I'll take my chances.

Zayn picks up his phone and sent a text to someone, then locks his phone and takes off his shades, staring at me.

"Where did you get all this money from?" I ask in confusion, closing the door behind me, the wind kept blowing in, making my hair blow into my face.

"That doesn't concern you darling." He gives a punk ass smirk and goes back to his phone.

"I deserve to know. You kidnapped-"

"Shut the fuck up already okay?!" Zayn snapped giving me a daring look.

I went to say something, but the words died on my lips.

"I know I kidnapped you okay? I fucking get it. I messed up. I would let you go but Harry and his crew are after us, so unless you want to be hunted down and sold, including rapped, then I suggest you stick with me. But stay out of my damn business. I'm only here to help you, then I'm leaving you on the streets."

"Harry and his crew? Your friends?" Was this what it was all about? His friends were coming after us about what happened at the warehouse.

"Yeah, did you not hear him?"

'This won't be the last time I see you. Watch your back Zayn. You have no idea what you got yourself into.'

"Yeah... Yeah I remember." I say looking down at my feet. I should shut up for now. I just got my ass handed to me.

Lewis breaks the silence of the atmosphere by popping the drivers door open and sitting down in the drivers seat. Then with a slight click, all the doors lock and Lewis looks up in the mirror.

"Where to Mr. Malik?"

My eyes widen in shock. This was Zayn Malik?!

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