Chapter 46

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Pepsi or coke? (;



I crack open the door and look out it a bit, finding Niall and Amber face to face with each other. This can't be good, when Zayn and I had a long chat, he was telling me about how they had kissed in the back of the car. And how it made his go crazy and that's why he dented my car door. Also breaking my house lock and door.

Though he said he would pay for it, I don't find it his fault. I almost feel bad for the kid.

"What is it!" Zayn whispers as I peak out the door.

"Shh!" I turn and scold him. He grunts and covers his face with a pillow.

"Niall, I-I don't know." Amber puts her hands on her hips leaning against a wall.

"Please? Just one time, you'll like it I swear. It's great. Besides, everyone says I'm the best at it." He smiles, and winks stepping closer to her.

"Niall, you know-"

"Yes yes I know Amber." He rolls his eyes. "But he doesn't have to know. I promise." He whispers and puts each hand against the wall, trapping her I between his arms.

"Niall stop." She grunts and turns her head. "I don't want to hurt him anymore."

I sigh and look down. Relief she actually admitted it. I look back through the crack and open it a bit more.

"C'mon babe. Gimme' a try." He leans in, closing his eyes.

"Hey guys what's happening! Ready to work out?" I bust through the door and Niall shoots off Amber in an instant. Backing up against the other wall.

"Yeah yeah I was just asking Amber where her clothes are!" Niall smiles and rubs his arm. "Right Amber?"

"Right." She says half heartedly. What a bad liar. If she was in Matts control, she probably would've been dead by now.

"Well," I sigh grabbing Ambers arm. "I have some clothes for you, they'll be a bit tight, but they will do. They're my sister Sophia's clothes."

"You have a sister?"

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'. Well, technically I lied. But, left over clothes from strippers and sisters are the same thing right? She won't know.

"Well, where is she?" She bombards me with so many questions, why Zayn loves this girl? I have no clue.

"Over in America at a beauty college." I lie.

"Why America?" I bite my lip. "And ouch, you're hurting my arm." I look down and let go. Finally we made it to the bathroom, ditching Niall.

"Not sure." I shrug my shoulders. "But here, let me go get the clothes.

She nods and I close the door, walking back down the hallway. I see Niall pull out his phone and play on it, leaning against the door.

"Stay the hell away from Amber!" I come straight in his face, pushing him up against a wall.

"Woah woah man, I was just asking her if she wanted to get some lunch!" He throws his hands up in defense.

"Oh really? Then why did you feel the need to lie." I grunt, grabbing his shirt and pinning him up against the wall even harder.

"B-because I knew you would tell Zayn!" He mutters, looking down.

"I'm not telling Zayn shit Niall, you want to know why?" I get close to his face, making him look at me in the eyes.


"Because I don't want him to be hurt, ANYMORE, than he already is." I spit through my teeth, pushing him hard against the wall at the word 'anymore.'

"Okay." He says breathlessly grabbing his chest while nodding.

"I'm going to say this one more time kid, leave Amber the HELL, alone. Or so help me god I will rip out your fucking throat." I put him down and open the door to Zayns room.

He's laying on my bed on the side, one hand holding up his head and the other probably scrolling through twitter on his phone. He looks up and perks, running to me. I shut the door behind him and push him back onto the bed, making him sit at bridge of it.

"What did she say." His smile disappears.

I gather what she said to Niall and come up with a sentence. "She said she doesn't want to hurt you anymore. She didn't know, I promise." I smile and take my hand off his shoulder.



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