Chapter 63

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So none of you shipped anything other than #Zamber

I'm the author and I ship liamber

Is that weird?

HAHA ANYWAY UHHH, should I make a sequel or should I just stop at this book. Because this book is getting rather long and I would like to start off with a another story. It's supposed to be so sick I'm going to be in love with the second book. Comment what you think!


My breath is heavy, my hands are sweaty. He followed me. Zayn didn't catch up with him in time? I just- did he kill Zayn? Is Zayn okay? Are the rest here?

A loud thump knocks me into reality and I jump. Holding my breath I perk up and listen.

"Hey faggots. Did you see a skinny bitch walk by? She looks rather sluty." His familiar voice chuckles. Chills raid my body and I breath slowly out of my nose. Now is not a time to start freaking out Amber, you need to calm down, everything is okay? We are going to be fine.

"Uhh no?" Ashton says in a bratty manner.

"Search the house." I hear the door slam open and 2 pairs of footsteps thump all over the house, causing the floor to shake.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. This isn't good, this can't be good. I hold my breath one more time. And I look around in the dark closet. I lower myself and crawl into a dirty clothes hamper, trying to be as sly as I can and as quiet as I can.

Foot steps walk slowly towards the closet.

"You know this is disobeying the fourth amend-"

"Shut- up?" Calums voice is cut off by another annoying one. Not one of the boys though. So probably one of Matts rats.

"You know, boys." Matts voice booms. "If you are lying to me, and she is really here, well-" He chuckles. "I'll cut off all your heads. And break all your little fingers. And perhaps even Ambers. I know you know who she is." He voice sounds deep, and scary. Much worse than it was a few years back..

"Oh that one annoying bitch?" I hear Luke speak up.

Matt chuckles. "Yeah."

"Why the fuck would we let her in here?" Calum steps In.

"Last time I saw her she was fucking disgusting." Michael sings.

Okay boys, that's a little bit too much. I can feel my insecurities get higher.

"Sure." Matt says with a stern voice. "We are still searching the house though.

A ball in my throat drops and I pile clothes and a Blanket over me and ball up. Stay quiet Amber. Stop breathing.

The foot steps outside the closet pounce one more time before I hear the door fling open. I hear a slight sigh, and the blanket is ripped off, and my hair is pulled up.



I see Liam's car drive up fast behind me as I walk towards the words. The car door slams and all the boys run up next to me.

"You good?" Liam pats my shoulder.

I nod and sigh, still walking. "You guys got everything?" I look around.

Louis pulls out a modern 12-gage and cocks it by the barrel. "Fuck yes."

Harry pulls out a 9-millimeter and cocks it side ways. "Yep." He flexes his jaw.

Niall pulls out a pocket knife and smirks while Liam and I both cock our guns, smirking at each other.

"Well then. Let's go fuck shit up." I smirk.

Taken - Z.MWhere stories live. Discover now