Chapter 42

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"What the fuck, do you think you're doing?" Zayn snaps squinting his eyes, as he leans off the door. He takes slow steps towards me, letting his shoes hit and vibrate the floor.

"I don't- I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"You think you can fool me?" He leans down to my height, making his knees pop. "Look at me."

I bite the inside of my cheek as a strand of hair falls. I tuck it behind my ear and turn my head as he leans closer in. His breath hits the side of my face.

"Look at me." He whispers.

I know I can't look at him, because in all reality. When I look at him, it's like I've lost all feeling in my body. My brain goes blank and it's hard to get the words out. He's so difficult to talk to, you never know when he will turn around and hit you, or yell at you.

"Bamby." He breaths. He touches his hand to the side of my face and I flinch back, I was almost positive he was about to hit me. He stops moving his hand and steps back. "Amber, are you?"

I turn to look at him. A puzzled face is set upon him as he furrows his eye brows.

"Are you scared of me?" He finishes his sentence and I'm honestly frightened to answer. I don't want him to think I'm weak- wait, am I scared of him? Knowing what he could do, (Break locks, bend mettle with one hand, stab people etc.) then yes I'm scared of him. His mood changes so fast, it's hard to keep up. It's like he is never set on one thing. It's always a challenge with him.

And now on today's show, it's guess Zayns mood!

Ugh. I can't help but feel rather angry now more than scared. Oh gosh, I'm turning into Zayn.

"No - Yes, I just, I can never know with you." I duck my head and he takes a deep breath.

"What do you mean." He states.

"I just, it's like one minute you're happy, and the next you're mad, you know? It scares me. The things you could do? You stabbed Matts hand at the warehouse." I shiver at the thought. "And you dented the car door? Did you know that?"

"I- yes."

"And also! The lock? Zayn you're just-"

"Scary, I know." He ducks his head and bites the inside of his cheek as he shuffles his feet. I feel bad, he looks so sad. "But Amber." He looks up with tear filled eyes.

Zayn steps forward in front of me and he kneels down, where he is resting on his calves. He puts his index finger under my chin, lifting my head slightly. "I wouldn't ever hurt you." He furrows his eyebrows, leaning in. "When you kissed Niall, and yes, I saw. When that little kiss happened. It shattered me." He lowers his voice to a quivering whisper.

"I just- I couldn't breath right, I wanted to do things, Amber. Things people like me should want to do to their friends." He ducks his head in shame. "I didn't like it." He takes a deep breath, looking back up into my eyes. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it tight.

" I want to be the only one you can kiss. I want to be yours. I, want to be the one to show you off to all of my friends. I want to kiss you, and prove to them that you're mine, and only mine. Do you understand what it's like to have something you can't have? It's fucking hell. And what's worse than wanting something you can't have? It's not knowing what you want. Wishing on all the stars in the sky for the answers to your questions, for something to believe in... Someone to hold. Having absolutely no control over yourself, being caught up in a place you wish you were miles away from. Being stuck somewhere between the past and the future, nowhere near where you should be - in the present. Stuck in yesterdays and tomorrows, so far from home, far from everything you know and love. The uncertainty could just tear you to bits."

I've noticed Zayn and I are only centimeters away from each other, noses touching, breath hitting on each others lips. "And Amber?" He looks deep into my eyes searching for something.

"Yeah." I breath, staring right back at him, uncertain of what to say.

"I think I love you."

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