Chapter 28

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Authors note:

I don't really know what's planned for this chapter so, I gain ideas as I go along. Bare with me. :D



I step on the pedal, making the engine roar as we fly down the empty dirt road.

"Hang in there Niall. Almost there." I pat his lap as Amber awkwardly moves on my lap.

Before you judge, let me start off by saying no, I didn't intend for her to sit on my lap. I didn't even know Niall was walking out looking like bloody hell until I heard his whimpers and gasps for air. But I will admit one thing about Amber siting on my lap...

I'm quite aroused.

Niall croaks a cough in response. I turn to look at him, but still keeping my focus on the road at the same time. Bruises and cuts cover his arm, his hair is quite mess and the right side of his lip is cut open. Dried blood streams down his chin and there is blood all over his shirt and pants. His legs are bruised and cut and his jeans are ripped open. I've also noticed, his shoes are missing. Only socks cover his bare feet. His knuckles are bloody and busted and his eyes look shallow red. Perhaps bloodshot. His facial expression just gives me chills. He's in so much pain, and it hurts to look at him.

So from what I have gathered in his appearance, Matt obviously got ahold of him and used him to get to Amber and I. I step on the peddle faster roaring the engine even louder, I look at the speedometer.


I don't even want to hear myself think, all it's doing is pissing me off. I can just imagine. Matts fist colliding with Nialls precious cheek. What the hell did Niall do to him? He's fucking innocent! As cliché as is sounds, Matt is dead. Bloody, fucking, dead.

"Ouch, Zayn." Amber hisses and her hand lays on top of mine, on her thigh.
I noticed I was squeezing her thigh along with the steering wheel too. My knuckles were white and I released my grip, letting that stinging pain from the grip shoot through my hand.

"Sorry." I mumble.

She nods her head and looks back out the dashboard window. Trees and leaves zoom by and the vibrating road makes me uncomfortable. I'm just going to come straight out and say this.

Amber is brushing against my dick in all the right places. Surely she doesn't mean to, right? She doesn't like me. I let out a throaty chuckle. Of course she doesn't like me. She would never.

"What's so funny?" She turns and looks at me, the sun shines off her cheek bones while her honey brown eyes shine into mine.

"Nothing." I clear my throat and bite my lip again, staring blankly at the turn ahead. Thank god this place is deserted. I would hit someone with my car right now to get Niall help. He's like my little brother, It's like I have a protection of him. Sure, Liam and I are best mates, but all of us have a protection over Niall. Me having the most. I don't know, maybe I'm just a protective person. Because honestly, what's mine is mine. Touch it, and you lose not only your finger, but your life.

I turn onto our street and speed past all the other mansions next to mine. Mines more in the back, way back in a field. I like it back there, and you have to be considered a member on the other street where the gates are locked, and guards stand. Liam and I found the back road with the warehouse right before I bought this house, which, of course costed extra, being in the field and what not.

I pull into our long arse driveway and drive down, soon arriving at my house. The front doors fly open and out pops Louis.

"What are you doing here!" Louis shouts, running to Nialls side of the car to open the door.

"This is my house, Lou." Amber hops off my lap, right before Louis raises an eyebrow, then throws Niall on his shoulder. We both slam the doors shut to my car as I grab Ambers hand. Both Louis and I rush to the door inside.

"Not on the couch!" I tell right before Louis throws Niall on my new white luxury couch. Louis gives me a mean look, then plops Niall on the couch. I can't help but feel disappointed now that there are blood stains and dirt stains on the couch, but I'll get over it.

"Where's Li and Haz?" I question and sit on the couch opposite of Louis with Nialls head on Louis's lap.

"Th-they went to look for you? I heard them on the phone while I was reading in my room. They were surely panicked. You weren't picking up your phone or something?" Louis furrows his eyebrows together and leans back, pulling Nialls hair back into a headband.

"Mmm." Niall groaned holding his stomach.

That got me thinking, my phone. Shit. It must've fell out of my pocket at the warehouse.

"I'm sorry mate, I lost it, let me use your phone for a quickie." I lean forward toward Louis and he hands me his phone.

"Pass code?" I question.

Louis clears his throat and looks down. "6969.." He mumbles.

I let out a muffled laugh and Amber does the same. She's been really quiet lately, but I don't blame her. I almost got her killed and I already feel like shit about it.

I type in his pass code and it unlocks with a click. I go to his contacts and scroll down, but stop as a loud bang comes from the front door.

"Louis I can't find Zayn or Amber and I'm freaking out I don't know what to do we saw Matts car so we turned around and he chased us but we lost him and I can't focus I just-.....ZAYN!" Liam runs from the front door and I stand up, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I thought I lost you forever." He mumbled into my neck. I feel wet spots form into my shirt and I pull Liam closer as I here him slightly whimper.

"It's okay Li... I'm right here, I'm here forever okay?" I pat his back and pull him as close to me as I can.

He sniffles and pulls back. Wiping his eyes and nose. "I'm so glad you're back." He smiles and we turn to look at Harry standing in the door.

"Amber." Harry breaths, staring at Amber with his mouth slightly open, his chest rising a tiny bit more as he takes each breath.

Harry slowly walks over to Amber, gaining his speed as he walks and Amber stands up. Harry throws him self against Amber, wrapping his arms tightly around her as she stumbles back, but regains her step.

"I'm so glad you're okay Amber." He buries himself into her neck and she wraps her arms around his waist, slightly pulling him closer as if he will break at the touch.

I feel a pulse run through me and I clench my fist. I clear my throat and look at the ground. I hear Amber and Harry step away from each other as I take a step towards Harry, putting my hand on his shoulder.



Taken - Z.Mजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें