Chapter 56

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Wow. You guys actually got me to 20.1k tonight, couldn't thank you enough.

I love you all so much!

Please, please go just and try out my new paranormal Zayn book.

It's my only other one, called 'Bad'

I'm working so hard on it, go suggest it too!



The drive has been quiet, all I can hear is the tires on the road and the wind in my ear. It's quite peaceful if I'm honest. Once in awhile I'll catch myself looking at Zayn. I like to just sit here and admire what he's like. He has this bad boy persona, but then you reach into his personality, deep down, and I mean deep, you'll find a sweet boy, who actually has feelings just like me.

And his past, is so brutal, I wonder how he makes it through it all to be honest. He's so damn tough, and it's amazing what a human can withhold. All this pressure on him, all this force pushing down on him and telling him he's not good enough and reminding him that both of his parents are dead, it's just so horrid. I couldn't imagine. What if I'm his break, his release. What if that's why he's so attached to me, because I'm his escape from all that. Man, what a dream that would be.

"Amber." Zayn snaps, looking over at me.

"Yeah?" I say, coming out of my day dream.

"I said, are you all right?" He smiles to the road, then to me and back to the road.

"Yeah." I smile, looking forward.

I feel his warm hand on my thigh, rubbing up and down ever so gently. "Thank you for coming." He mutters, with a cheeky smile still plastered on his face.

"Well, thank you for inviting me." I smile back.

"No really Amber, I want to thank you. You help get my mind off things. It's like you're my escape from the real world you know? You just- I don't know. You drive me insane, but an insane that I don't want to go away. I keep coming back for you, and I hate myself ever day for it, but I love the rush. I love the feeling I get when you're around. When I chased you into the alley, walking up to you gave me this tingly feeling, I didn't know what it was until now. I don't know, maybe I'm stupid for saying all of this."

He chuckles slightly and I can't help but blush. I've never been told any of that. This feeling is so new, it's overwhelming.

"Fuck you for making me tear up when I have make up on." I giggle and hit his arm, wiping my under eyes.

"Not the first time I'll be making you cry." He winks.

I'm used to him being perverted so I roll my eyes and giggle. His hand squeezes my thigh. I forgot it was even there really, it just felt natural. I look over at him and he stares at me. Giving me a shy smirk, he looks at the road again.

"Are we almost here?" I whisper. Why am I whispering? Eh, maybe I just don't want to ruin the moment.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "We actually just pulled up." He points, with his hand on the steering wheel.

I take my sight off of him and realize we are in a field. It's dark, but the stars are out. He turns the car off, and gets out, walking to my side of the door. He opens the door and helps me out. A gust of wind blows towards me as I step out past Zayn.

"Sexy as hell." He mutters, closing the door behind me.

"Don't ruin it." I snap. "So where are we going?"

"Follow me." He smiles, taking my hand. His warm hand sends shivers up my spine, and goosebumps raid my body.

I follow him up the hill, damn, I shouldn't have worn heels. They just keep digging in the mud, so of course I'm trailing behind Zayn like a puppy.

We get over the huge hill, to see a beautiful ocean on the left, crashing slowly against the warm sand. A tent is laid out in the grass, just behind the sand. But this isn't any tent, this tent has four bamboo sticks, and one cloth, as a roof for it all. It's actually pretty fancy. Candles are laid out on the warm brown blanket, and the whole setting is just warm. Pillows are laid at the end of it, and a basket is next to them.

"Wow." I breath out. It's rather breathtaking. "How- how did you set this up?" My eyebrows furrow as my jaw drops. We just stand there, hand in hand admiring the set up.

"I didn't, I paid someone to, but I'll just say I did, to make it romantic." He kissed my cheek, making a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, then he walks.

I follow along with him and I take my heels off, as we get to the tent. Sitting on the blanket, I lean back against a pillow, watching the twinkling stars and the dark blue ocean all mix together, as the candle light flickers.

"This is amazing." I smile. I've never experienced something like this. It sends good vibes.

"Glad you like it love." Zayn chuckles, picking out food items out of the basket. "I hope you like fruits and sandwiches." He smiles, taking out strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, ham and cheese sandwiches and all kinds of toppings, alone with a tall glass bottle.

"Is that wine?" I smile, pointing to the tall glass.

"Mhm." He mumbles, pouring it into two small glasses.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the pillow. This is utterly amazing. I just feel so happy right now. All my past, Matt, Zayns drama, everything is just washed away right now. Everything.

I feel warm lips press against mine, and I push back into the kiss. A tongue slides against my bottom lip, and welcomely, I open my mouth. Zayns tongue explores mine as I feel him crawl over me. I can't help but giggle as his hands grope my side. Pulling off, he looks up at me with a frown on his face while he straddles me.

"We have to eat, I'm hungry." I giggle, putting my hands on his chest to push him back.

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