Chapter 59

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"Sir, did you focus it yet?"

My pathetic "friend" asks me as I focus the night vision goggles on Zayn and his little miss.

After what he did at the warehouse, he thinks he can just leave there and be safe? As if I haven't sent out a squad, placed cameras all around the city, and have attack dogs sniff out his trail every-time he leaves? Zayn is a pathetic, horrible waste of space.

How could he think that we are stupid. I'm five times smarter than him, and always will be. I know his moves, his actions, what he will do. I've been watching him. I have ways, and I have people. Tons of people. I wasn't the popular guy every girl wanted for no reason.

You might be asking, well how did you get in the back roads if they are behind the gate?

Sure, the guard at the gate wouldn't let me into his "rich" nabor hood. However, nothing a little violence can't fix right? I'm positive he's somewhere in a lake now, most likely at the bottom with his face bashed in, and throat ripped out.


"Fucking hell Randy, yes, I focused it." I yell at him, but in a whisper so Zayn and Amber don't hear.

"It's Ryan."

"Who gives a shit?" I shake my head. I hear him sigh but ignore it as I watch Amber slip back her dress on.

What a shame, I always did love her body.

Zayn seems to lean up, rather frustrated. Or worried, who knows. And honestly who cares. We all know she's using him for money. Or else she would be out of there in a heart beat.

Amber shakes her head and runs her fingers through her hair.. Just like she did when we used to fight... How cute.

Zayn slips back on his clothes and stands up, grabbing Amber by the waist.

Amber starts to thrash and scream, and Zayn try's to pin her down.

"What the hell?" I whisper.


"Nothing." I wave him off and keep watching.

Zayn looks angry, really angry. Like Amber killed his puppy.

He's throwing his hands around and it looks like Amber is crying?

Perfect. If they got in a fight, maybe she will run off. Or if I could just get her alone. I could snatch her up and ruin Zayns gang. I could ruin his life, all his little puppy followers life's, and I can ruin Ambers life.

I don't know what's so special about her any way? She's a nasty whore. God why did I date this slut. Oh yeah, for sex. I chuckle and keep watching.

Amber throws her hands up and walks away out of the tent, towards the woods? What does she need in there? Zayn runs up the hill opposite from me and hops in his car, driving off in a hurried, sloppy manner.

Is this really happening? Amber? Out of Zayns sight for once? I guess wishes really do come true. I smirk and set down the goggles, waiting for Zayn to be completely gone.


"Ryan." He corrects.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "Ryan, alert the boys. We have a slut to capture.

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