Chapter 20

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Harrys POV:

I couldn't help it. I had to let out the tears, my past being brought up in my mind was too much to handle. I've been trying to forget about it for the past 10 years. But it's almost impossible. Only a maniac would do what I would do, but she needed it. She wanted it. So I had to do it.

I pull off of Ambers shoulder and wipe my tears. I put the key in the ignition, and start the car. Pulling back onto the road. It was silent. All we could hear was the harsh wind against the car and the tires against the road. It's was almost relaxing. I'm just surprised Amber hasn't questioned me yet. Probably out of pity. And I hate it. All through school, all I got was pity. "I'm so sorry Harry." Is all I heard. Every damn day. Like they actually cared? No. Because they don't, they never would, they wouldn't know what I went through. As cliche as it sounds, nobody understands. That's why I isolated myself. I cut off all connections from my friends in high school. Not because I didn't like them, but because they would act different around me since the incident. Something I despised.


I heard my friends chuckles as they came and sat down at the lunch table next to me. I was always the first one in the lunch room, mostly because my class is right next to it, and the other is because I try to avoid Matt, the school bully. He always is hanging around with his 12th grader friends. But me, only being a freshman, was quite hard to fight back with him. I hated how much I wanted to be in his group. How much I wanted to hangout with him, and be the bad boys with them.

"Earth to Harry?" Louis pulls me out of my thought. How long have I been zoning out?

"Yeah!" I pipe back.

"You were just staring into space, you okay mate?"

"I'm quite alright, sorry." I say back, digging into my food that is now cold.

I just zone out back into my thoughts, while the lads continue talking. Today is valentines day at our school, and I have yet to get Claire something. Claire is the popular girl, or at least one of them. I just love how her long blonde hair flows when she's running in PE, or how her tan arms swing when she walking. Oh! And especially when her hips move from side to side. I just want to.. You know what. I better stop before I get myself hyped.. I turn my attention back to the lads.

"No no no! Your mum is so fat, the National Weather Service names each one of her farts!" Louis throws at the new guy that has been sitting with us for at least two days. I guess I missed out of something, I chuckle a little as all the guys "Ohhh" at the table.

The new guy turns to me, at looks me dead in the eye. He's tan, has sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He must be a real charmer.

"Your mum is so fat, she looked up cheat codes for Wii Fit." He says with a smirk on his face.

All the guys go silent, and I clear my throat. "I'm um. I'm going to go." I pick up my tray and dump it in the trash can.

"Nice going dumbass." I hear Louis faintly say to him.

"What? I thought it was funny?" He replies back.

I ignore them and continue out of the lunch room. Trying to not let tears escape. The thought hurts. It hurts thinking about it. I feel a sting in my stomach as I walk out of the lunch room early. I hear a familiar giggle and I quickly wipe the tear that streamed down my face.

I see Claire walk around the corner, quickly flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. A grin spreads across my face. She's just so beautiful. And I was going to tell her that now.

Taken - Z.MTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon