Chapter 22

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I hadn't brought up Matt to anyone for awhile. And it's not that because of him, I don't have a reason to live. But because my past haunts me. My mum, she was always a druggie. Ever since she found out what my dad had done, she wasn't the same. I don't blame her. I didn't come to her until I was 10 about it. Father always said, "All daddies do this to their daughters."
How foolish of me to believe that. Mother divorced him and he got sent off to a jail over in America. It's said that they have the toughest jails there. I had always heard mum cry, night after night. I crawled in bed with her to try and cheer her up. But she would just sob into my shoulder until she fell asleep. I had gotten so used to it, I just slept in my mums room. After a few months, she became strict. Very strict. Rules such as, be in bed by 6. Stay after hours for school. And the most important one of all. You can't have any friends. My mum didn't trust anybody for about a year, until my step dad came along. Doug. Now, Doug wasn't the best step father, but he got mum off my back. Sure that was great, but he got her into drugs. Cocaine, weed, you name it, she's done it. When I became 14, I moved with my grandma, here in Bradford England. Now I'm in collage. So I guess you can say I made it.

Breaking me out of my thoughts. I heard muffling voices coming from the door where I was sitting. I turn my head, and so did Harry.

"Go to the kitchen." Harry whispered. I didn't want to take any chances, so I did as he said and ran to the kitchen. Peaking out the side of the wall.
I stare at Harry on the couch. Him just glancing at the door. The door moves a little bit then stops.

"I swear this door was unlocked last time I checked." The familiar muffled voice was louder now.

Harry breathes out from relief, and looks at me. I sigh and walk out of the kitchen. The door opens with a creek and in comes Liam and Zayn. I feel warmth across my face as my eyes meet with Zayns, but he just turns and closes the door. I look at Liam, looking at me with a concerned face.

"Where were you guys?" He says with a father like voice. "Are you okay?" He turns his attention towards me, walking up to me. He spins me around and checks me out from head to toe.

Uh, rude.

I raise an eyebrow. "Uh hi?" I say. Yeah I know it's a rude greeting, but I don't care who you are. You do not put your hands up me. Most everyone in collage knows that.

"Did you hurt her?" Liam looks a Harry, who is just sitting on the couch. Clearly amused by all of this.

"No." Harry says with a stern voice.

"Did he hurt you?" Liam whispers to me.

"No." I chuckle. This boy is like a concerned ass parent.

"Where did he take you?" Liam asks in a louder voice now.

I look at Harry. He's giving me wide eyes. The eyes that say, "Please don't."

"Just for a drive." I force a smile. Something I was used to.

Liam give a doubtful half smile, then looks over at Zayn. He is leaning on the door with a smirk. And it's really sexy.

"What?" Liam says.

"Oh nothing." Zayn pulls off the door and goes to the kitchen. I walk away from Liam and sit next to Harry. He gives me a, "What the hell." Look. He's really good with his facial expressions.
I just shake my head and look over at Liam, give Zayn a confused look. Though I can't see Zayn, I know he's probably doing something weird.

"Can we talk? Like, all of us?" The thought comes to my mind. "Oh and where's the blonde with the Irish accent?" I finish. I haven't seen him in awhile.

"Not right now." Liam says. Again, he pushed it off. Is that like their job or something?

"First we need to find the blonde bitch." Zayn finishes the sentence for Liam. Mentally, they could be twins. Liam and Harry chuckle.

"Sorry mate, Zayn here is back on the leaf."

"Wait wait wait." Zayn puts his hand forward, walking into the living room. "Who the actual fuck...Gave you the right to announce that?" He chuckles. A deep raspy chuckle. What did they mean, "back on the leaf." Surely they didn't mean weed. Because so help me god, I will slap the shit out of Zayn.

"I did." Liam smiles at Zayn. "And he's probably still on the high." Liam whispers towards me and Harry.

"Just a buzz." Zayn says.

They all chuckle except for me. I just swallow and look down. This isn't funny. Weed is a gateway drug. Yeah, it's not that bad for you. But I still lost my mum to it. I'm not exactly going to love it.

"You alright?" Liam ask.

"I'm fine." I smile.
I can see Harry look down from the corner of my eye. He knows what was going on inside my head. I could tell. "So back to the blonde!" I interrupt the silence.

"Oh yes, do you have any idea where he could be lads?" Liam looks at Zayn and Harry, then brings his stare back to me. I've only just realized how dark Liam's eyes are now. Almost black. I feel him staring into me like his life depended on it. He breaks away the glance, and I feel a wall inside me shatter.

I only just now notice what Liam was looking at. The boy who has brown hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes. Luke? Larry? Lewis? I can't recall his name. "I know where he's at."

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