Chapter 1

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Hey! I'm Mia Salvatore. The youngest out of Damon and Stefan Salvatore. I'm sure you've heard of them by now. They are very well known these days. My brothers currently live in Mystic Falls and I'm living the life in New York City! I'm 16 years old, alone... but that's okay. Living alone isn't that bad. It's where my story begins.
I walk down the street looking for my first meal of the day. I pass a few people but none of them seem to bring my attention. There's some red heads, some brunettes. I can't decide. After a couple of minutes, I spot a blonde girl. Maybe in her late 20s.

"Finally! Something to eat!" I  sigh.

I was getting bored of wondering around. I mean, come on! I am wearing heals in the middle of New York!

"Hey." I smile.

"Um.. hey." She says.

She seems like she's annoyed because I notice her roll her eyes. She pulls out her phone and starts to type. Maybe she's texting a friend and telling her how weird this conversation is.

"Rough day?" I ask.

Clearly, I don't care. I've been working on my acting skills. Last time I was in a high school, theater was everything to me. Now that I've been out of school, I've lost touch.

"Yeah... I guess." She answers.

"Well, since you're not that fun to talk to, walk with me." I compel.

She nods as she follows me into an empty alley way.

"This seems good." I say as I look around.

"Are you lost or something? Why am I here? Why did I even follow you?" She asks, confused.

"Don't scream or move. This won't hurt at all." I wave both of my hands as I compel her again.

I move her hair back as I look at her neck. Yeah, I know. Weird. I like looking at my food before eating. Is that a crime? My eyes turn red and veiny as I feel my teeth pop out. I begin to feast. As I hear her heart slow down, I stop.

"Alright, I don't feel like digging a hole right now. High heels and all. But..." I trail off as I place my hands on her shoulder. "You remember nothing that happened here. Go get that checked out. Anyone asks what happened, you say you got attacked by some... animal."

I let her shoulders go and watch her as she touches her neck and walks off. I doubt people won't believe her. She seems like a girl who's very clumsy.

I clap my hands together and walk away, wiping my mouth of any blood. I pull out my phone and click on the camera app To look at myself and be sure. I've been bouncing around states because people notice I haven't been aging and... I look a little too young to be on my own. I can't have people asking why I'm bleeding from my mouth.

I walk to a near mall just to sit down. My feet are killing me. This is a daily thing. Sometimes I'd just go straight home but today seems different. It feels different. I don't want to go back to that boring apartment. The day looks so beautiful, anyway.

It would be so much better if my brothers were here. I unlock my phone again and start to flip through some old pictures of my brothers.

"Aw! My brothers look so cute in this picture!" I smile.

I look through my gallery some more. I have so many pictures of the three of us. We used to spend time with each other a lot. I miss that. I sigh as my finger hovers above Damon's number. Should I call? It's been 7 years since they've heard of me.

"Come on Mia. It's only your brother." I tell myself.

"Ugh. Maybe later." I click the lock button and just sit there. Thinking about all the memories we had back then.

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