Chapter 82

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I slept sort of well. I mean, besides all the nightmares I kept having. If I could guess how many hours I had of sleep, I'd say I had about 3 hours. Not bad, I guess. I roll off the couch and look at an empty couch. I hope that made sense. Too tired to function. I rub my red, tired eyes and walk to the kitchen to find Stefan cooking pancakes.

"Pancakes? Seriously?" I groan.

"Want some? I know it's weird but why not?" Stefan flips a pancake.

This is beyond weird. Why pancakes? We're vampires. I look over and see some coffee ready. Stefan gets the hint and pours me some. I quickly grab the mug full of black coffee and take a long sip. Those nightmares, I'm sure you know what they were about. They felt so real. Every time I saw Jeremy plunge the stake in my heart, I swear I could feel it. His face. I can remember how angry his face was.

"You okay?" Stefan asks.

I snap back to reality. I look down and see some coffee spilled all over the table. I was thinking too hard on it. I was probably shaking. This is not good. What if Klaus sees me like this? He'll think it's another "Celeste" episode. Did I mention I haven't told him about Jeremy? The whole dying thing? The fact that I haven't even said it out loud or talked about it should say how bad this is.

"Sure. Pass me some pancakes." I order.

"You were screaming all night. I honestly think Caroline is gunna throw you out if you keep this up. You want to talk about it?" Stefan shows some concern.

Stefan. My brother who's always looked out for me. Damon has too but Stefan is Stefan. It's probably because of our age difference. He gets me more than Damon does. The fact that he's concerned gives all the more reason that I have a problem. But I can't say it. I can't. Out loud seems too real. Just thinking about it sends me over the edge.

"Pass me some pancakes." I say, blankly.
Caroline left early. From my screaming, I'm sure she just gave up on the whole sleeping thing. I feel bad for keeping everyone up. Stefan said we're going to visit Klaus. Maybe my nerves will ease up. I can't go crazy in front of him. He'd for sure rip Jeremy's heart out. I hope Stefan doesn't bring it up either. We pull up to the house and walk in. A hybrid points to Klaus' direction. Stefan walks first.

"Looks like a giant snowflake." Stefan makes his presence known.

I stand next to Stefan. Klaus is painting. He's right, it does look like a snowflake. Gives me some winter vibes.

"I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism." Klaus turns around and smiles at my presence. "It's my donation to the winter wonderland charity event."

"It's beautiful." I complement.

Not long after the same hybrid that opened the door for us, walks in.

"You said it was urgent?" He says.

"Yes. Take this to the Mystic Grill immediately." Klaus orders.

"You want me to be a delivery guy?" He asks in disappointment.

I raise an eyebrow. I really hope that with this attitude, Klaus doesn't decapitate him right then and there. I don't really want to whiteness a dead body with no head fall to the ground. Plus, the painting looks too beautiful to have blood stains.

"What I want is for you to do as I say, without the attitude." Klaus walks up to him.

That was Klaus giving him a warning. He better not mess up again. The guy walks up and does as he's told. The way he grabs it, makes me jump.

"Be careful. It's still wet." I warn.

The guy rolls his eyes and walks past me. What? It's true! That looks like he's spent hours on it. Wouldn't want it to smudge.

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