Chapter 90

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"So, vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol." Rebecca walks towards Elena. "But what it doesn't explain is why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan."

Elena and Stefan share a look. Those looks where they're hurting. Not because of their own problems. Rather because Elena hurt Stefan. She's sired to Damon. That's just eating away at Stefan. He can't do anything because she does everything Damon wants. And quite frankly, Elena loves Damon. Not in a friendship way. More like... love. She fell in love with him. She just hasn't admitted it yet. That's probably the worst part about it all.

"How could she hurt you like that? Answer, please." Rebecca orders.

"She didn't know it at the time, but she was sired to Damon." Stefan answers with no hesitation.

I move over as Rebecca pulls a seat right in between Stefan and I. It sucks that I can't speak. Then again, I'm happy she isn't asking me any questions. I wonder what Klaus is doing right now. He's very desperate for the cure. Mostly for Elena. Klaus is obsessed with making his stupid hybrids. I don't get it.

Why couldn't he be satisfied with just me? Aren't I enough? It's like he's replaced me with them. But I already knew that. I knew he'd be latched on to them. i shouldn't be surprised. Ever since that summer he took Stefan and I. I fell for him despite his obsession. But now? Now, he's going to have to choose. Me or them. God, I hope he picks me. I love him too much.

"A sire bond. Fascinating." Rebecca sits. "And what do you think about that, Elena?"

"I think you're sad and bored. And in desperate need of a hobby." Elena covers up with truth.

I'm surprised she actually managed to say that. I'd say it. Sadly, my mouth is zipped shut.

"You're hiding something. 'Fess up." Rebecca compels.

Elena tilts her head to the side and begins to open her mouth. The next few words makes my heart shatter for Stefan.

"I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with him because I'm in love with him."

I knew it. She finally said it. Sucks that Rebecca had to compel it out of her. But now she knows the truth. She loves Damon. Matter of fact, she's in love. I look over at Stefan who's face says it all. I didn't think there was any possible way to break him even more.

"What does any of this have to do with the stupid cure?" Caroline breaks the awkward silence.

"You're right, we got off the point." Rebecca takes a deep breath. "Mia, how do I find the cure?"

I try my best to stay quiet. My mind needs to fight this compulsion. Come on, Mia. You're a fighter.

"Unless you'd like to talk about Elena and Damon all day. Although, I don't think Stefan would like that very much." Rebecca says.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" I reply.

"Answer the question." Rebecca compels me.

As her pupils dilate, I can't help but answer. My lips move as words start to form.

"There's a professor. He knows where the cure is." I confess.

"Thank you. And—— uh—— where do I find this professor?" Rebecca asks.

Again, I'm forced to speak. If only I had vervain. I'd lie this whole time. I'd play along and act like I was compelled. Classic Katherine move when she was with Klaus, but still. Rebecca wouldn't know the truth.

My lips continue to spill more of the truth. Can't this day get any worse?
I just found out that Rebecca collected all our phones while we were... out. I can't believe I didn't even think about my phone until now. And I say now because Rebecca is using Caroline's phone to call Tyler. I haven't talked to him in a while. Maybe he'll rescue us after this upcoming conversation.

"I told you I don't want to talk." Tyler answers.

"I heard. You're keeping all that rage bottled up inside. Caroline's worried sick about you." Rebecca acts.

"Rebecca?" Tyler guesses right.

"Hello, there. I heard my brother made a real mess of your life. Believe me, I can relate. You have my condolences." Rebecca walks around. "In fact, why don't you come down to the high school so you can accept them in person?"

God, I feel so sorry for Tyler. And the fact that I'm dating Klaus is probably not going well with him. That might be why he hasn't called or texted. I hope he doesn't blame me. I mean, I love Klaus. But at the same time, I do realize what Klaus does for a living. He hurts people.

"And why would I do that?" Tyler asks.

"Because I have your girlfriend. Maybe you have a better shot at saving her than you did your mother." Rebecca says. "Bye now."

And with that, she hangs up. What a bitch. How could she say that? Tyler has gone through so much already. He doesn't need this bullshit as a cherry on top.

"Sister." Someone comes in.

That voice. I only heard that voice when Elijah introduced me to the family. He was actually the only one I thought seemed cool. It's the one and only. Kol.

"Look at this. You're even worse than Klaus." Kol grins.

"Kol. Finally. Did you bring what I asked for?" Rebecca asks.

Kol reaches on the side of the door and pulls out Shane. She brought him here. Where did Kol even come from? We haven't heard from him in so long.

"You must be Shane." Rebecca smiles.

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