Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
-Natalie's POV-
Since my life was starting to become a mess and a dream at the same time, I decided to start writing a journal. To keep my feelings in.

"Journal Entry 3-13
Lately, I met this guy named Rob. He's really sweet and really adorable. I'm not sure if he likes me, but I'm sure he might. We love playing Minecraft together and talking about random things. Mitch is trying to get us together all the time, because he thinks I like him.
Ever since I've talked to Rob about my dad, I have been really depressed. I obviously don't show it, but on the inside I am. I don't know what to do. Today, two days ago, I yelled at Mitch for no reason. I'm so screwed up. I am so sorry for yelling at him."
I put the diary under my bed and I went into the kitchen for some carrots.

-Rob's POV-
Where is my phone? Crap, I think I left it at Natalie's house. Great. Mitch will think it's another excuse to go to see her.
"Mitch," I said. "I left my phone at Natalie's house. I'll be right back."
He didn't reply, so I left while I had the chance.
I showed up at Natalie's house. I knocked on the door.
"Oh hey Rob!" She smiled.
"Hey, I think I left my phone here. Have you seen it?"
"I don't think so, but we can look around," she smiled.
I took my coat off and went down into Natalie's room. We were in her room a little bit last night, so it might be in here.
I checked under her bed.
What's this?
A diary? I opened it up, it's Natalie's. Crap. I saw my name so I just read the whole page.

-Natalie's POV-
"Hey Rob! I found it!" I yelled.
Was he in my bedroom? Rob walked out and thanked me.
"Bye!" I said, hugging him.
I called Mitch to apologize.
"Hi Nat," he said, not with a happy tone.
"Hi Mitch. I wanted to apologize. I don't know why I yelled at you. I was just being stupid."
"It's okay. I'm going to have a sleepover at my house. I'm inviting Jerome, Rob, Preston and you. Wanna come?"
"I'd love to!"
"Come to my house at 8," he said, before hanging up.
I quickly packed some clothes, my phone and some snacks.
-time lapse-
I knocked on Mitch's door.
"Hey baby girl!" He said, embracing me in a hug.
"Preston is here, we are still waiting on the others,"
"Alright," I said, walking in. I put my bag on the couch and sat down across from Preston.
"Hi Natalie! It's so weird seeing you in person!" Preston greeted.
"Yeah! It's nice to see you!"
"Okay, Jerome's here!"
"Hey Jerome!" I said.
We all sat down on the floor, waiting for Rob to come.
About 8 minutes later, he finally came.
"Hey Mitch! Hey everyone! There was a lot of traffic." Rob said.
He took his jacket off and sat down in the circle. We all were sitting in a circle, when we started playing Truth or Dare.
"Truth or dare?" Mitch asked me.
"Is it true that, umm, you like Rob?"
My eyes widened.

Oooooooh suspense!
-Amanda :)

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