Chapter 33

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SOTC- Amsterdam (Imagine Dragons) (the songs have nothing-usually-to do with the chapter, I just put them because they sound good with the scenes \(._.)/)

Chapter 33

-Robert's POV-

I tackle Vikk to the ground. I'm not going to hit him. As I get up off of Vikk, I see Natalie and Preston sprinting back with the flag. Natalie is holding it while Preston is running by her side. I grab Vikk's wrist and hold him back from attacking her. They all stop..? I am confused. Natalie and Preston run into our base with our flag. Vikk laughs. I narrow my eyebrows. Then I see Mat running to their base with our flag. I sprint after him. Luckily, I catch up to him quickly. I quickly grab the red flag out of his hand and run back.
"We won!" I cheer.
"Gg!" And they continue to congratulate us.
"That was an awesome game!" Vikk says, falling onto the couch.
"Yup! It was awesome!" Natalie adds.
"It was such an awesome experience!" Dallas exclaims.
Something that still runs through my mind is
why did Mitch hit Preston?
-Natalie's POV-
I run upstairs and into the bathroom. My stomach is gargling. I'm going to throw up. I purge into the toilet and luckily the door is shut. Why am I throwing up? Ew, it came out of my nose >-<. I continue to throw up into the toilet and then wipe my face and blow my nose. My nose is filled with vomit snot (Sorry this IS disgusting but it happens to everyone) and my mouth tastes like crap.
"Natalie!" I hear Rob call softly.
"What?" I yell from the bathroom. I flush the toilet and wipe my face.
"Oh my god are you alright?" He asks.
"If you call vomiting alright then yeah," I reply, wishing I wasn't too sarcastic.
"Do you feel okay?" Rob asks, motioning me to leave the bathroom.
"Not really," I reply, walking into his bedroom.
"Just lie down okay?" He says, throwing a pillow at my playfully.
"Hey!" I laugh, throwing the pillow back at him and it hits his face.
"Stop!" He laughs, throwing another pillow on his bed, totally missing me.
"Nice throw," I joke, he pouts.
"Oh c'mon," I say, trying to speak through my laughter. He gets up and pushes me against the wall.
"Rob," I say, pushing him off of me.
"Lemme brush my teeth, I just threw up dood," I say, blushing horribly.
"Mk girl," he says, snapping his fingers (with his white girl voice. If you watch him, you know what I mean). I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I go into Rob's bedroom, he is sitting on the bed, looking out of his window. I walk softly and sit next to him.
"Hi," I say, putting my hands in my lap.
"Hi.." He says, trailing off.
"Something wrong?" I ask, looking at him.
"Naah," he says. I know he's lying.
"Okay," I reply, instead of nagging to him.
"So, when do you want to go out?" He asks.
"Umm," I say, pursing my lips. "How about tomorrow? Maybe we can do a double date with Eve and Mat? That would be cool."
"That's good. We just need to ask them if that's okay. Now, what place?" He says.
"Buffalo Wild Wings?" I instantly suggest.
"Nice! Great idea! I like it! Let's go ask them," Rob says, getting up. I get up as well. He puts his hands on my hips and kisses me. I put my arms around his neck (and strangle him. Jkjk xD). It is such a perfect moment. He sits down on the bed holding my waist, pulling me down to him. I kiss him, crossing my legs around his torso. My hands are on his face.
"Oops! I-uh. I'm sorry. Was I interrupting something?" Eve asks, barging in. I quickly get off of Rob and stand up.
"Nope, we were just uh, talking," I blush, pushing a piece of hair out of my face.
"Yep!" Rob agreed.
"Mk. Guess what?" Eve asks.
"Mat and I are dating now! He's ma boyfreeend," she giggles (oh shrimp cursed word).
"Nice!" I say, hugging her.
I walk out with Eve and we sit down on the couch, watching Family Guy.

Hay guys! TYSM for 3.7k reads! :3
-Amanda :)

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