Chapter 34

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SOTC: Say Something (Cristina Aguilera and A Great Big World)

Chapter 34

-Robert's POV-

So, I am going on a date with Natalie. I'm dying inside.. I scream inside. I jump around, as Natalie walks away. I call Mat over.
"Hey Mat," I say, pulling him into the other room.
"So, I asked Natalie out.. And we were wondering if you wanted to come on the date with us and you can bring Eve? It can be a double date to Buffalo Wild Wings," I smile.
"Sure! Why not?" He says, fist-bumping me.
"Mk cool," I say, leaving.
"Guys!" Vikk yelled.
"There happens to be a fire at Buffalo Wild Wings!" Noah says.
"Damn, there goes our date," I sigh.
"Why don't you guys just stay here? It's better then wings," Mat chuckles.
"Sure, why not?" Natalie insists.
"Mk," I say.
"Ery Juan sit down," Mat says, sitting down.
"Mk, guys, we are going to play truth or dare. If you lie, or I think you are lying, I will pour ice cold water down your neck. Okay?"
"Ok," we all said.

-Vikk's POV-
I am actually sort of nervous for this. What if it is something retarded? Something disgusting? Eh, well see.
"So, who wants to start?" I ask, sitting down on the floor, putting my arm around my girlfriend.
"Rob truth or dare?" Mat blurts, opening the water bottle.
"Uhm, truth, I guess," Rob replies, sort of nervous himself.
"Tell us about Kira," Mat says plainly. Rob looks down. I don't think Natalie knows.
"Who's Kira?" She bursts.
"D-don't worry about it," Rob says.
"Tell me," Natalie says seriously, looking at Rob.
"Kira... Is a girl. She's 18 and she, well. She pretended to date me, Jerome and Brandon. She said she had sex with Jerome, then had a 'miscarriage'. She never dated me, had sex with me, or dated Brandon," Rob explains.
"O-oh, sorry Rob," Natalie apologizes.
"Mk, Vikk truth or dare?" Rob continues.
"Dare," I say, immediately regretting my desicion.
"Hmmm.... I dare you to... Go in the closet and have sex with Amanda," Rob laughs.
"WHAT? No way! I mean, I love her and all, but hell naw dawg!" I protest.
"It's a dare," Rob says cooly.
"No!" I pout. Rob taps his fingers on the carpet impatiently. I know everyone was looking at me and Amanda. I look over at Amanda, and her face is beat red. I'm sure mine is too.
"Later, later!" I sigh.
"Whatever," Rob nags. I look at Amanda.
"Rob, truth or dare?" Preston ask.
"Wha- why me? No one else has gone yet!" Rob cries.
"Truth or dare?" Preston says, narrowing his eyebrows.
"Truth," he mutters.
"Have you done 'it' before?" He ask, smirking. Rob's face turns red and he looks down.
"Tell us or water," Mat insists.
Rob continues to look down at his black socks and hugs his knees.
"Ahem," Preston say, impatiently.
"Y-yes," he admits, his face turning redder. Natalie's face grew tense, and full of despite. Maybe she was saving herself, like I was?
"E-excuse me for a moment," Natalie says whimperly, and going down a hallway.
"Excuse me as well," Amanda states, going to find Natalie.

-Natalie's POV-
"This is horrible," I whimper, kneeling down on the bathroom floor. I hear a knock.
"What do you want?" I say angrily, sounding as strong as possible.
"It's Amanda," a voice says.
"Come in," I cry softly. Amanda opens the door. Then, after she comes in, she closes it.
"It's okay," Amanda comforts me, rubbing my back and hugging me.
"I-I-I feel violated and worthless," I cry into her shoulder.
"Shhhhhhhh," Amanda cooes, rubbing her hand up and down my back.
"It's alright, it's alright," she says, squeezing me tighter.

-Amanda's POV-
Gee, I feel horrible. Natalie starts to spaz out into a seizure. I keep her calm, and since she is calm, I take the pen out of the drawer and inject it into her arm.
"Shhhhhhh," I whisper, moving the hair out of her face. Her body crashes onto mine and she is loosely hugging me. I pick her up and carry her to Rob's room. Two seizures in 24 hours...

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