Chapter 31

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SOTC- My Song Knows What You Did In a The Dark (Fall Out Boy)

Chapter 31

-Robert's POV-

We eventually get to the arena. A stocky man with blonde hair and green eyes comes over to us.
"Okay guys. You all want to play COF I'm guessing? Okay rules. Number one, you cannot kill anyone, pretty logical. Number two, you can not leave the arena to get the flag. You can attack players. Fires are available and easy to put out. Everyone will have a gallon of a special serum to easily and effortless put out fires. Everyone will have lighters for fires. This IS dangerous, so be careful and most of all, good luck and have fun!" The man explains. I was pretty nervous, I need to attack people? Girls? Oh geez. What if we get hurt? Whatever, they will not hurt us. Hehe, right?
We get to the arena and stand on our side. The blue flag is very visible, even though it is half a mile away. Our base is on a mountain and so is theirs. We would need to climb up and down the mountain in order to win.
The horn went off.
"Okay guys.. When that horn goes off again, we need to have a plan. So, me and Natalie will guard the flag while Rob and Preston sneak around to get the flag. Dallas will also stay with us. Okay?" Noah orders.
"Okay!" We all say un-huddling.
We all stand in our positions. The horn goes off a minute later. I stand nervously. Preston and I split up and he does left and I go right. I sneak through the trees. I don't have a weapon, only my hands. I keep a guard up. I look over to where Preston is. He is about 5 feet farther than me. I turn my focus to the bumpy grass and high forest trees. I hear a scream. I don't really know who's, but it's a girl scream. Natalie? Dallas? Amanda? Eve? Oh god what if it's Natalie. I look back. Noah and Dallas are standing in a guard while Natalie is taking some lighters and making a border around the base. I run-skip-walk ahead a few yards. I see the blue base right away.
They have Vikk, Mitch and Mat guarding while the girls are probably hunting, because they aren't there. They have a small fire in front of their flag. I hear the girl scream again.
"VIKK HELP ME!" A voice screams. Amanda. I see Vikk tell something to Mitch and Mat before he runs off to find Amanda. I watch him run. I quickly run behind a tree that is right near their base. I feel like as if I am in the Hunger Games, running to the cornucopia. I see Preston running behind the base. I give him a thumbs up. I see him smile and go back behind the base. I run and hide behind another tree, about 45* (degrees) across from the base. I see Mitch look my way and I almost scream. I turn quickly behind the tree and my heart is running. Mitch walks slowly towards the tree and then walks back.
"All clear!" Mitch yells loudly. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around quickly.
"Oh, thank god. It's just you," I pant, looking at Natalie.
"Hi," she pants heavily. "I thought you might want help," she chuckles.
"I'm just waiting for the right time," I whisper, looking around the corner, seeing Mitch and Mat.
"Natalie, this is pretty off topic but um," I say, stuttering. "Do you want to go out with me?"
"Sure!" She smiles. I smile as well and kiss her lips quickly. She smiles again and so do I. I hear rustling. I point.
"Well well well," Vikk says, with Amanda's arm around his arm.
"Thought you can get our flag right?" He chuckles.
"Last time I checked, we are running that way," Natalie says, starting to run. I chase her to the flag. She gets it. She starts to run and Mitch chases her.
"Natalie here!" I yell, running beside her.
"Why?" She yells back.
"Behind you!" I yell, her handing me the flag. All of a sudden, I see Mitch tackle and straddling Natalie.
Don't get jealous...
I continue to run to our base while I run into Mat, Mat stealing the flag. I fall on my stomach. I brush my shirt and pants off and run back to base. One question is..
Where is Preston?
I quickly run back behind the trees. I run up to the tree where I ran into Vikk and Amanda. I run on the border of the trees and find Preston, hiding along the back of the base and see Preston, with blood trickling down his forehead.
"What happened?" I whisper, so the enemies can't hear us.
"I fell," he says.
"On grass? C'mon that's bull," I say.
"Fine, Mitch hit me," he says. I gasp.
Would Mitch do such a thing?
Hey guys! OMFG 3.6k wtf guys thank you so much! You should really listen to he song while reading :3
-Amanda :)

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