Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
-Rob's POV-
Oh god kiss Natalie? In front of everyone? I bet everyone knows I like her. But I can't. Just not yet.
"No I OBJECT!" I yelled.
"Yeah you said nothing stupid!" Preston chimed in.
"It's not stupid, it's LOVE!" Mitch said.
"I-is anyone hungry? I can order pizza!" Natalie said, chuckling slightly.
"Yeah we are but not until you kiss Rob," Mitch sassed.
"I can't!"
"Why not?"
"Be-because. Because you didn't finish my dare! I'll kiss Rob if you kiss Jerome," Natalie said. Good comeback.
"Okay fine," Mitch said, kissing Jerome on the cheek.
"That didn't work out as planned," I heard Natalie mutter.
I was so scared. I never kissed anyone before, other than my parents. What do I do? How do I feel? Where do I put my hands? Feet? Lips? Argh. This is horrible. But wonderful, because I get to kiss Natalie.
-Natalie's POV-
Come on Nat. Think of a comeback. Think of a comeback. Think of a comeback.
"You never said where," I said.
-Rob's POV-
When she said that, I kissed her on the cheek, like Mitch did.
"Done!" I said, proudly.
"I have an idea! We should play the hunger games right now! Not on Minecraft, but right her in this house. But we need more people..." I said.
"INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!" Preston shouted and everyone got their phones.
"Call 1-2 people each,"
I called my friends Dallas and Amanda.
Dallas always had a crush on Mitch. Hehe.
Rob called Vikk and Mat.
Mitch called Adam.
Jerome called Ty and Preston called Noah.
This was going to be great.
They all came over which was great. I can see Mitch eyeing Dallas right away. He liked her. ;)
We broke into 6 groups of 2.
District 1- Adam and Ty.
District 2- Noah and Mat.
District 3- Dallas and Mitch
District 4- Me and Rob (-_-)
District 5- Amanda and Vikk
District 6- Preston and Jerome
We all got a "weapon" and out them in the center.
"We obviously won't kill each other, but if you get hit by the other player hard, you're 'dead'" I said. They all nodded in agreement.
"Let the Hunger Games begin! And let the odds be ever in your favor,"
Thought this would be a good idea.
-Amanda :)

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