Chapter 32

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SOTC- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Fall Out Boy again :3. Same song, same situation)

Chapter 32

-Natalie's POV-
"What the hell Mitch!" I scream, kicking his groin.
"Do. not. Push. Me," I say, walking fastly towards him, pushing him off of me.
"Stop!" I say, getting up. I throw a punch, but miss. Why was he straddling me?
"What the f*** Natalie!" He says, hunched over.
"Do NOT straddle me! You hear me!" I scream.
"K fine!" He says, rolling his eyes. I kick his groin again, making him fall.
"You understand?" I say, holding him down with my boot.
"Yaas just let me be!" He yells. He gets up and pushes me against a tree. My back starts to throb.
"Do not push me around okay? Just let us be. Why don't you call, oh, what's his name? Rob?" Mitch says, -sounding like Clove from the Hunger Games-, pushing my small wrists against the tree, his hips against mine. I am hopeless.
"R-Rob!" I scream, Mitch putting his hand over my mouth.
"Shhhhhhhhh," Mitch says. "Don't speak."
"What's gotten into you!?" I ask.
"Nothing! I've never fought a girl before. Haven't I wanted to.. A few months ago?" Mitch says, pushing my closer to the tree, his hips now leaning against mine.
I remember the flashback.

I got up and so did Mitch.
It wasn't the most girly thing to do, but it probably will break my relationship or improve it.
"We can talk about this," I said, not meaning what I said. Mitch came towards me.
"Fight me like a man!" Mitch said.
I walked back until my back was against the wall. Mitch came towards me and got his hand into a fist.

I break out of my flashback.
"Don't you f****** dare," I say, now believing I'm hopeless.

-Robert's POV-
I look behind the corner of the base. Natalie is getting attacked by Mitch. I gasp.
"Why did Mitch hit you?" I ask quickly to Preston.
"I was going for the flag and he just whammed me," he explains.
"Hold on," I say, getting up.
"Hey Mitch!" I yell. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend k? She's mine and only mine. Don't make me hit you," I say, Mitch letting go of Natalie.
"I'm not flirting," Mitch says, his face turning red. "I already have a girlfriend."
"Oh really? I just didn't see you grinding on her, unless I'm blind," I say, rolling my eyes. I honestly didn't want to hit Mitch.
"Do you want to fight me?" Mitch asked.
I didn't reply.
"I will," Natalie says, smiling.
"No, you're not," I say, pulling her back.
"Yes, I am, Robert," she replies, jerking her hand out of mine. She gives me a I-got-this look and then looks over to the left side. I look casually as well. Preston is there, going to get the flag. I nod quickly and unnoticeably and say okay. I quickly run into the woods to find Preston.
"Why would you let her get killed? He is going to demolish her!" Preston whispers.
"She wants you to go get the flag while she distracts Mitch," I explain. He makes an 'o' with his mouth and then nods. We look around the tree. Natalie is now fighting Mitch. It takes so much of me not to pull her back from this. Preston and I run through the trees and go near their base. But I see something weird, Vikk, Amanda and Mat aren't there. Oh no. Without telling Preston, I sprint to our base. I see Noah and Dallas fighting off Mat, Vikk and Amanda.
"Leave them alone!" I yell jumping on Vikk's back. Vikk falls to the ground.

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