Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
-Natalie's POV-
Rob's eyes widened.
"How come?"
"I don't know. Some people were sending 'happy' things, while the others, not so much. I don't care honestly. They are just jelly. Haha. Lul,"
"Yeah," he laughed.
"I'm going for a walk," I said, grabbing a sweat shirt.
"Can I come along?" Rob asked. I honestly couldn't say no, but I wanted to be alone. I just frowned.
"Um okay. That's perfectly fine with me,"
"Sure, you can come with me," I spit out.
I grabbed my phone and Eos and walked out the door. Rob and I went to the park. Even though it was March, it was 59 degrees outside. I had a old basketball t-shirt from when I was in 8th grade and a pair of skinny jeans with converse.
"You used to play basketball?" He asked.
"Were you good?"
"Ha. My coach called me Bruce Lee,"
"Oh my gosh really?"
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"I was thinking of signing up for basketball.." I said.
"Go ahead! But make sure you heal up."
"How did your battle dome go?"
"Ah, we lost.. As usual," Rob said.
"Oh.." I said. "Sorry 'bout that."
We continued to walk through the park. I really liked Rob. He was so sweet, funny and adorable. I wish he felt the same way. What if he did? Nah. Or.. Does he? I really hope so. But I'm just a girl. I'm nothing special... No one knows me inside. They only know the basics. I'm depressed. My life is messed up. Rob is the reason I wake up every day.
"You okay?" Rob asked, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Yeah, just.... Thinking,"
"Okay. You look upset? Wanna talk?" Rob asked.
"Umm, sure," I said, sitting on the bench close by.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm depressed. Everything is wrong. My life is screwed up. When I was in 7th grade, I got picked on. I had a water bottle and they always knocked it down. I would cry myself to sleep sometimes. When I smiled, my heart literally ached. I wanted to die. But I saw a photo on twitter. It said something like 'at 8 she wanted a doll. At 12 she wanted a phone. At 16 she wanted to be dead. But at 18 she graduated high school. At 22 she started college. At 26 she got married. At 28 she had a child and said 'I made it.' I just want to tell you, you and my friends are the reason I wake up everyday. Before I met you guys, my life was full of razors and pills. Just, thank you," I said, wiping my tears off my face.
His eyes were watery. Then, he hugged me hard. I hugged back, squeezing him.
"Thank you," I whispered.
We un-hugged. I wanted to say it right there, I love you. But it would be awkward. I wanted to kiss his beautiful face, but I couldn't. It wouldn't be right.
Rob was speechless. I didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what to say.
"Let's keep walking," he said.
I was so tempted to kiss him and tell him I love him. But I couldn't. It wasn't right. I needed someone to love me. I wasn't desperate, I just needed love. Love keeps me going. We both got up and continued walking.
"Well, I had great friends, great life, great grades,"
"Mine was completely opposite, except for the grades. I had great grades," I said.
"Yeah Natalie?"
"Have you... Ever liked someone who you don't think likes you back? Like they only consider you as a friend?" I blurted out.
"Yeah. I have that feeling now,"
"So do I," I admitted.
"Describe him," Rob said. I felt my face turn red.
"Well, he is tall, handsome, has a great personality. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He's so comforting and just ah. Amazing," I explained.
"Well, she is beautiful. She has big brown beautiful eyes, long, brown, curly hair, and she is tough. She isn't weak, doesn't cry over everything, and is just plain wonderful. She's gorgeous and I don't think she knows it. She likes minecraft and just indescribable after what I said," Rob described.
That sounds like me! I can't be sure, but WHAT IF ROB LIKES ME?!? Natalie, hold in your fangirl.
"Well, I hope you marry her one day,"
"Same to you," Rob grinned.
"Geez it got cold quick!" I said, shivering.
"Want my jacket? I love the cold weather,"
"No, you keep it."
"I insist!" He said, taking off his jacket.
"Fine," I agreed, putting his jacket over mine. It smelled like cologne. Like that wonderful kind.
"It smells good," I smiled.
"Thanks haha," he chuckled.
We went home after that.
"Hey lovebirds!" Mitch called. I rolled my eyes.
"We got FOOOOOOD!" Mat yelled.
"Yep! We got pizza, burgers, fries, drinks," he trailed off.
"Great!" I cheered.
I got two slices of pizza, an ice tea, a cheeseburger and a bunch of fries.
"Wow," Rob gasped.
"What? Never saw a girl with a big appetite?" I laughed.
Everyone else sat down and we started talking. Mitch told us that he likes Dallas.
"Don't tell her alright?" He told me.
"Um, I'm not sure 'bout dat," I said, grabbing my phone.
"Don't you dare!" Mitch yelled.
I opened iMessage and texted her, 'Hey bb. Mitch told us he likes you.. :D'
"Oops!" I said, 'accidentally' hitting send. I didn't really send it, just busting his chops.
"You freaking idiot!" He yelled, getting up.
"My coach didn't call me Bruce Lee for nuthin," I muttered.
"COME AT MEH BRAH!" I said pounding my chest.
He came towards me, both of us slowly prowling about 3 feet apart from each other in a circle, waiting for the first move.


Hey guys! Thanks for 160+ reads! ILYSM!! Comment what I should do!
-Amanda :)

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