Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
-Natalie's POV-
WHY. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN REAL. I punched myself in the arm and went back inside. I closed the door behind me. I put my jacket on the hook and sit back down with the guys.
I wake up to a gorgeous alarm. It sounded like the ocean. Ahh. I got up and took a shower. Afterwards, I put on my combat boots, some black skinny jeans and a sweat jacket that had the enderman's eyes on it. I braided my hair Katniss style and went in the kitchen. No one was home nor awake. I looked on the kitchen counter and it has a note in black sharpie.

"My dearest Natalie,
If you want Preston and Rob, come to the ballet studio's basement on Washington Avenue.

Oh my gosh. They are kidnapped! I quickly grabbed a water and my glasses and ran out the door. I got in my car and drove to the ballet studio.
I opened the creaky door and stepped down into the moldy, moist basement below. I walked down a dark corridor and found Rob tied up to a chair and Preston against the wall.
"Guys! What happened?!" I asked loudly, trying to untie the ropes. Preston shook his head. I kept untying though.
"Stop!" A voice said behind me.
"What the he-" I stopped.
Melanie. My worst enemy; worse then Audra.
"Heh. You honestly think I would let you get away with this?" She said, a smirk forming on the side of her mouth.
"Why are you doing this?" I yelled, not showing any fear, but on the inside, I was scared as hell.
"I know what you did Natalie," she said in a wicked voice.
"Are you serious? That was 10 years ago! Get over it!" I said.
"Oh no, that's not it." She said, tightening Rob's ropes. He moaned.
"Let them go!" I yelled.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe, I'll just, end it," she evilly smiled, taking a gun from her jacket. My eyes widened.
"You wouldn't dare," I said.
"Really?" She muttered, putting the gun to Rob's head. I saw sweat going down his face. He was scared. I mean, who wouldn't be. But this time, he doesn't know what he did. He didn't do anything. Why would she do this?
"Here," she said, handing me a gun.
"Shoot HIM [Preston] and your little friend here will be safe," she said, holding Rob's chin up.
I loaded the gun.
One bullet.
I raced for ideas. Nothing was coming up. Do I shoot him? Or, do I? I walked over to Preston, pressing the gun against his chest. His face was scared, like when he got bullied in 6th grade. His face was sweating, his eyes large. I pulled the lever back.
Now all you have to do is pull the trigger, I thought.
"C'mon sweetheart," Melanie insisted. I looked back at Preston.
"You know, Melanie. I always thought... you were a DUMB BLONDE!" I screamed, pulling the lever, shooting Melanie in the head. My hand was shaking. I just killed someone. My mouth opened, my hand with the gun is shaking. I was speechless.
"I. I-I'm a m-m-murderer," I hesitated, my voice shaking. I fell to my knees and held my face in my hands. Preston untied himself and helped Rob get untied. We got back in the car, not saying a word.
We kept silent the rest of the day. None of us spoke to anyone. Everyone asked what was wrong. We are stunned. We are to much in a shock that we cannot answer or speak to anyone. We are to upset because of the incident. I shouldn't have killed her. Or should I have? She did wrong. She didn't deserve it though. She was a gorgeous girl. Blonde hair, brown eyes. She had a big family. Three brothers and 1 sister. Matthew, Mark, Melvin and Mara (All m's lol. I didn't intend it).
But the 3 words rung in my head.
I'm a killer.


Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this action-packed chapter. Lolololol. Thanks for 250+ reads! Ahhhh!
-Amanda :)

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