Chapter 39

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SOTC- Count on Me (Bruno Mars)

-Robert's POV-
I've never missed a day since Natalie went into her coma to regret my dumb desicion. I decide to visit her today. I go outside and walk to the hospital.

"Hey beautiful," I start. "Yesterday, Preston and Mat had to talk me out of killing myself. You can do this. I know you can. You had made my days brighter, brighter than my computer screen. Hehe. Anyway, please, please wake up. I don't want another day that I almost committed suicide. Please," I whisper, squeezing her hand. I feel her grip back tough. My heart skips a beat.

"Natalie?" I say, shaking her. Her head turns to her left and nudges it into the pillow.

"Natalie," I say, shaking her again. She groans, then stays in a comfortable position.

"F***," I curse. "Natalie please," I cry. She grips my hand tighter. She doesn't move, but she squeezes my hand and her heart rate picks up and then slows down. She looks like she is struggling to wake up.

"C'mon Nat. Please!" I mutter, squeezing her hand. Her hand grips tighter onto my hand, that I notice my hand start to turn purple.

"Natalie let go!" I say. She grips harder. I swear, she is hurting my hand.

"Natalie!" I whimper. I feel a tear go down my right cheek. I squeeze her hand, but her grip is too tight. All of a sudden, her body sits up and she is breathing heavily. Hyproventalating, actually.
"Natalie!" I cry, hugging her. She seems to be unknown, then hugs back. We I hug and I kiss her.
"W-what are you doing!" She exclaims, pushing me away from her. "Who are you?"
I feel my heart sink.
"A-are you serious?" I whimper.
"Nah, dood, I know ya. Gimme a kiss," she laughs, kissing me. I feel fireworks run through my body.
"How long have I been out?"
"Three months," I say.
"Oh. I'm sorry," she replies.
"No, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I caused you to be in that coma and it's all my fault," I say, immediately regretting what I just said.
"I'm okay with it now," she giggles (DAMN BAD WORD). She hugs me tight.
"You don't understand how happy I am to have you back," I cry, wetting her shoulder.
"Ew, your tears are making my shirt wet," she laughs, moving a piece of her greasy hair out of her face. I laugh.
"I love you," I say.
"I love you too Rob," she smiles, kissing my on the cheek.
"Excuse me? Nurse?" I say, leaving the room to get a nurse.
"Natalie, Natalie Landson woke up from her coma," I say.
"Oh! Okay, I'll be right over."
"Okay, great."
"The nurse will be over in a minute," I say to Natalie.
"Okay, Natalie. Natalie Landson. It seems you have been in a coma for three months! Mhm! Okay, so according to my records, you're seizure problem has disappeared, but can come back again. Um," she says, flipping a page on her clipboard. "Coma for three months.... Not vulnerable..... Ah, yes, here it is. You are allowed to leave after the doctor checks on you. Also, be careful sweetie. We don't want this to happen again.."

"Um, thank you," Rob says, smiling. She leaves and another doctor comes in.

"Hello Natalie. I'm just going to check you (I had to get rid of 'out' because that would be creepy xD), make sure you are okay before you need to leave," the doctor says.

-Natalie's POV-

He tells me to open my mouth, I do. He looks in my mouth and nose. Then he puts his stethoscope on and tells me to breath in and out while he moves the stethoscope on my back. Then, he taps the hammer on my knee and my knee flinches. I hear Rob stifle a laugh. I roll my eyes playfully. The hammer was my least favorite part.

"Okay Natalie. I'm going to ask you to lie down on your back and I'm going to check your stomach," the doctor-his name was Dr. Miller- says, motioning me to lie down.

I lie down and he pulls my shirt up to my upper belly button. He presses on my stomach a little bit. It tickles a lot. I try not to move and ignore the tickling. When he is done, I sit up.

"Okay Natalie. You seem normal. Lemme just take your temperature," he says, grabbing a thermometer and putting something on it. He puts the thermometer in my mouth (that's what she said xD).

"Okay, temperature is normal. Once I file the papers, you will be free to go!" Dr. Miller says, cheerfully.

"Okay great!" I cheer. The doctor leaves the room.

"Thank f***ing God," I yell with joy.

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