Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
-Natalie's POV-
I continued around the lake when I heard a voice faintly call my name.
"Natalie! Natalie!" Someone called. Who was it? I looked behind me and it was Rob.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Where did you go? E-everyone was searching for you," he panted.
"I told Mitch I was going for a walk. I expected HIM to tell you guys," I said.
"He never said anything about that," Rob said, stepping closer to me, I stepped back.
"Um. So, uhm, do you wanna um, drive me back?" I stumbled on my words.
"Sure," he said. I got in the car and he got in as well.
We got back and I went in my room. I closed the door and looked under my bed. It was moved! It wasn't next to the router, it was by the leg of the bed. Who was going through my diary? Rob? Mitch? Noah? Oh gosh what if it was Rob. Now he knows I like him! Crap. I'm not going to say anything. I put my diary back where it belongs and brushed my curly hair out. It was crazy. It was getting dark outside so I put my hair down and put my pajamas on.
"Hi guys," I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Hi sis," Noah said.
"What's for dinner?" I asked.
"Pancakes," Mat cheered.
"Yay!" I jump. "Who's cooking?"
"Ryan," Ryan yelled.
"Oh god," I muttered.
"Don't worry! I took cooking classes!" Ryan yelled.
I sighed in relief. I wondered when Rob was going to ask me out? I know he likes me and I think he knows I like him, but when? Is he just nervous? Does he want to do it in private? Hmmm... I sat down at the table on my phone. Just checking Twitter.
"YESSSS," I cheered.
"BRANDON FAVORITED TWO OF MY TWEETS YAYAYAYAY!!" I smiled. No YouTuber ever noticed my tweets. (Actually happened to me on 3/14 no joke)
"Congrats!" Rob said.
"Okay! Dinner's ready!" Ryan announced.
"Yes! I'm so hungry!" I whined. He gave me pancakes first and by the time he gave them to everyone else, I had finished my first plate-full. I had 5 plate fills after that.
I'm a very hungry bacca.
"ITS SNOWING!!" I screamed, running to get my boots and my coat. I kept the door open and I purposely jumped into the snow and face-planted it. Everyone was laughing at me. I ran outside and built a cute snowman.
"What the hell Natalie!?" Rob laughed.
Lachlan came out as well.
"Whoops!" Lachlan said, loosing the head. I pouted.
"Really!" I laughed.
Rob gave me his phone and I started recording.
"Okay, so we lost his head, so we are going to smash it. ARRRGGG!" Rob said, smashing the torso and Lachlan grabbed the bottom (if ya know what I mean (; ) and smashed it to the ground.
"Whoo!" I said giving him his phone back. I sat in the snow, laying down in it.
"It's cold I'm going back inside," Lachlan said, going back in the house. Rob laid down next to me.
"What a great night," I sighed.
"Yeah," he replied, looking at me.
"I love the cold," I said.
He didn't say anything. I started to make a snow angel but I accidentally kicked Rob in the leg.
"What the hell!" Rob yelled.
I continued to make my snow angel as Rob threw snow at me.
"Stop! I'm sorry!" I apologized. I got up and threw snow at him. We started having a snowball fight at 8:00 at night.
Rob and I were really close, about 3 feet away from each other. It was really fun, but awkward. Rob went to throw the snowball at me. While he threw it, he tripped and fell on me. His body was on top of mine and his arms were pinning mine down. I slightly chuckled.
He looked at me, then he kissed me. It was my first. I felt sparks going off. It was the most wonderful thing. Did he get sparked? I sure did. What does that mean? It was the most beautiful kiss. Our bodies close, lips in sync, beautiful background.
"Um. You okay Natalie?" Rob asked putting his hand out to help me.
I got up and we walked inside.
"SHIT!" I screamed in my head.

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-Amanda :)

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