Chapter 29

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Do you guis think I should so a song of the chapter...?

Chapter 29

-Robert's POV-
I drift my attention to Eve and Mat. Something that shocks me is, Eve just kissed Mat. Mat looked a bit surprised, but then seems to get the hang of it. I smile. I continue to watch the movie. I poke Natalie in the stomach.
"Aahhhh," she moans. She looks at me and I point to Eve and Mat. She smiles. I kiss her. Her lips are soft (I am sorry for a short kiss it's awkward writing a kiss in a sottory). We move perfectly. It was a blast of fireworks for me.
"Is this a fudging kiss party or is this a movie night!?" I think. Oh well.... We kiss pretty rough to be honest. It's a sensational feeling. Sparks hit me every moment we [Natalie and I] touched. We finally un kiss. Our heads are leaning against each other. We both smile as we pant. We hear a loud BANG of the movie on the television and awkwardly continue watching the movie.
-Natalie's POV-
"Let's watch another!" Eve insists.
"Nah G, I'm tired and wanna go to bed. It's 10:30," I whine.
"Let's watch another!" Mat defends.
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Fine. I wanna get undressed first," I say, getting up.
"Fudgin- IM GETTING DRESSED INTO MY PAJAMAS STUPID!" I laugh. I get up off the couch. I slowly walk into my room, when I feel my body shut down and I collapse to the ground.
-Robert's POV-
I see Natalie collapse to the floor. I run to Natalie.
"Natalie?" I ask, shaking her vigorously.
"Mat! Get an epi pen!" I yell. Natalie's body starts shaking uncontrollably and she starts to hyprovenalate.
"It's okay! Calm down!" I repeat over and over. She kept breathing heavily and shook her head every time I said 'it's okay'.
"Mat! Gimme the pen!" Eve gives me the pen.
"Hold her down!" I yell. Eve grabs her torso and holds it down while Mat holds her legs down. I lift her hoodie so I see her vein and I take the thin needle and inject it into her body. Mat and Eve let go of her and I hold her down. Her body and her breath slowly slow down. She eventually lays lifelessly on the carpeted floor. I pick her up bridal style, I guess you call it. I carry her into my room. I place her in my bed, under the covers. I move her hair out of her face and to the side. Her eyes close. I smile weakly.
"Hi beautiful," I whisper. I put my hand to her heart (if I put chest he would automatically be a perv in this sottory so I can't) to see if her heart was working. It was, thankfully. She let out a groan. She turned over on her side sleeping peacefully.
"Sweet Dreams," I say.

Heyoo! Sorry for not updating >-<
Tanks for da support!
Much luv,
Amanda :)

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