Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
-Natalie's POV-
I put on my skis and I got ready to go down the slope. I looked down. Full of snow and ice. I ready my hands on the sticks, and push myself forward. I dodge all of the obstacles. The wind is blowing the cold, crisp air into my face and hair. I slide to the left and right, using my hips. This was the real, true me. I look to my right; beautiful snow-capped spruce trees. To my left, there is a icy pond. When I almost reach the end, Mitch is calling out "You go Natalie!" I finally reach the end.
"Great job Nat!" Mitch tells me, embracing me in a hug. I hug back.
"Okay Robert! You're turn now!" Rob jumps off of the hill and skies down. He is really good. He reached the bottom in no time.
"You did great!" I say, hugging him.
"Gee thanks!" He says, hugging me back.
"Nice job yourself!" Rob cheers.
"Thanks!" I smile.
"Well, that was fun," I smile, plopping myself on the hotel bed.
"Yup it was," he says, copying me. I take my shoes off and change. I put on my minecraft shirt and some black jeans. Then I put my beige boots on. I keep my hair down, since I usually don't.
"Guess what!" Rob exclaims.
"Yeah?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom.
"We are going to PAX East!" He cheers. My mouth opens.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" I yell.
"Yes!" He laughs. I scream in excitement. I've never been to PAX.
"When are we leaving?"
"It's for 4 days (idek) and we are leaving Monday," he says. That's two days from now.
"Oh my god we have to go home and pack and oh what am I going to wear?" I trail on.
"Let's go," he says. We pack up from the hotel and we go home.

It was a 2 hour drive. But we finally made it home. Rob dropped me off at my house and I packed. I packed 7 sets of clothes, just in case something happens. I pack a bathing suit, just in case they have a pool, my laptop, and I pack my iPad and phone charger. It is now 11:00 at night, so I decide to go to sleep.
-time skip to PAX-
Ah, finally. We got to Boston. Preston, Lachlan and Mat are sharing a room. Ashley, me, Kricken, and Alesa are sharing a room. Rob, Sky and Mitch are sharing a room. Jerome, Noah and Ian are sharing. And I don't know about the rest. I packed in my stuff and got to know Ashley and Alesa more. Right away, boom, start signings.
I must have signed 1,000+ things. This is crazy! And on the first day!
"Can I take a photo with you?" A young girl asks. She must be about 12. She has long brown hair and cute nerd glasses. She is really skinny and wears really short shorts and moccasins.
"Of course!" I say. Her mom takes a photo of us.
"Thank you!" She says, hugging me. I hug back.
"Any time!" I reply. I get about 200 more of these greetings. My face is hurting. It's finally lunch time. I meet up with Ashley and Rob and sit down.
"How's PAX so far?" Rob asks.
"Tiring, but fun! My face hurts," I complain.
"Get ready for that all week," Ashley says, sipping her drink. We finish eating and continue to roam around PAX.
"Finally the first night is done!" I exclaim, plopping myself face-down onto my bed. We all are exhausted.
"I cannot believe that was the first night!" Kricken exclaimed.
"I know!"
We all got into our pajamas. Ashley and I were in the bathroom, brushing our teeth.
"Do you like Rob?" She asks.
"Yeah," I sigh.
"That's nice. Your such a beautiful woman. I hope you guys date some day," she says.
"Your beautiful as well," I said. She really was beautiful.
"Okay guys! Since I think we are all tired, I think we should hit the sack," Alesa said.
"That's good with me," Ashley lightly yawned.

HOLY FUDGING CRAP 1.1K R U SERIOUS?!!? THANKS SO MUCH!! It's so boring writing PAX. I will switch the POV's though.
-Amanda :)

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