Does She Have a Boyfriend?

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(Y/C/N): your cousin's name
(C/S/N): crush's sibling's name

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(C/N)'s POV

There she is again. Why does she always walk with that guy? Is he her boyfriend? He better not be. If he is, then I don't know what I'll do. Relax, (C/N). Maybe he's just her friend? I hope. UGH!

~ At Home ~

"(C/S/N)! I need your help!"

"No! Get out of my room!"

"But it's about this girl!!!"

(C/S/N) stopped. "A girl? You have a crush?! Tell me!!!"

I sighed. "So there's this girl, (Y/N) is her name. I like her... like a lot. But she's always walking around with this guy and I don't know if they're dating or what!"

(C/S/N) thought for a moment. "Ask her."

"Ask her?! What?! She'll know I like her!" I exclaimed.

"You don't have to straight up ask her if she has a boyfriend. Just ask her who that guy is."

"That's a stupid idea."

"You know what, then don't take my advice and you'll never know! Get out of my room!"

I sighed and walked out. Thanks for the help, mate.

~ At School The Next Day ~

There she is again. She walked into school, with that guy! I don't even know him, but he really annoys me.

"Is that guy (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" I asked my friend.

He looked at them. "I don't know. They seem pretty close."

I sighed, again. I need to know. I'm just gonna take (C/S/N)'s advice. This could go horribly wrong, but I just can't wait any longer. I have to know.

I walked into class and sat in my seat next to (Y/N). "Hi!" she said.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I asked. Here goes nothing.


"So that guy you're always with, um, who is he?" I asked.

"(Y/C/N)? The guy with the (random/physical/trait)?" she asked.

"Yeah, the one that you always walk around with."

"He's my cousin."


"Oh," I said.

"What, did you think he was my boyfriend or something?" she laughed.

Yeah, actually I did think that. "Oh... um... no I was just wondering because I always see you with him," I said.

"Oh, well he's definitely not my boyfriend. I don't know why, but boys don't really make an effort with me for some reason. I guess all boys just hate me. But you don't hate me, do you?"

Is she serious right now? I could name like five guys who like her.

"Uh, no. Of course I don't hate you. You're great, (Y/N)."

"Aww, thanks! That's nice of you, (C/N)."

I smiled at her. Well, I'm glad she doesn't have a boyfriend, but I kind of wish she did. The boyfriend being me.

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