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(A/G): annoying girl (lol)

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The "it" couple of the school. That's what you and (C/N) were. People were often envious of your relationship, but you two were very happy together.

You enjoyed sitting on a bench outside the school with him, just talking. It was very peaceful, and no one could bother you.

"Want some?" 

You looked over to see (C/N) waving your favorite candy.

"Yes!!" you squealed. "Wow, you're actually the best," you said, pecking his cheek. You didn't like PDA at all; you thought it was cheesy and kinda weird. But, you and (C/N) were alone. That is, until your peace was ruined.

"Oh my gosh, it's (C/N)! Wow! Fancy seeing you here!"

You raised your eyebrows at the annoying girl.

"Oh, (A/G)... You know we're at school, right? This is literally the place that you're most likely to run into me."

"Oh, you are so silly! You make me laugh, (C/N). Hahaha!"

You cringed at her fake laugh.

"Anyways, (C/N), what are you doing here? Huh?" she asked.

"Well, when the weather's nice, my girlfriend and I like to sit on this bench and talk."

"Hmph. Sounds boring," she crossed her arms.

You could feel your rage boiling.

"Actually, it's not boring at all-"

"Well, it was so nice seeing you, (A/G), but it's time for us to go! Right, (C/N)?" you interrupted, unable to bite your tongue any longer. You grabbed his arm and tugged it.

"Oh, right! Let's go!"

You dragged him to his car, and he opened the door. You huffed loudly as you sat down.

"What's wrong, princess?"

"She ruined our moment," you grumbled.

"Are you jealous?"

You gave him an "are you crazy?" face.

"Why would I be jealous of that hoe?!"

He shrugged.

"We were supposed to have a special moment," you said quietly.

"Hey," he lifted your chin to look at him. "We can have a lot of moments, okay? I'll make sure they're extra special, just for you."

"You're special," you said, kissing him softly.

You made sure that (A/G) wouldn't bother you two anymore during your special moments. She should find her own guy! Oh wait, she can't...

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