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requested by AnnoyedAsian :)

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"I'm so exhausted! It's been a long first quarter."

"Yeah, I'm glad it's fall break. And I'm glad to be here with you."

You turned your head to look at the smiling boy. 

"I'm glad to be here with you too," you said, taking a lick of your ice cream. "Do you want to try?"

"Sure, you can try some of mine too."

"Switch!" you said in a high pitched voice, giggling.

He chuckled at you. "This is good."

"Yeah. Ice cream is always the best after hard work," you agreed.

"Did you have a lot of tests this week? I did. Including the PSAT," he said.

"Yeah, I did. Eww, PSAT. The only thing good about it is the memes."

He laughed. "I love the memes!"

"My shrimp of an ex-husband!" you exclaimed.

He laughed again. "Well for you it'd be shrimp of an ex-boyfriend."

"If I had an ex-boyfriend."

"You don't have an ex?!" he asked, shocked.

"No... why is that such a surprise?"

"Well uhh..."

"I know, it's bad."

"No (Y/N), it's not bad at all! I'm just surprised because... well, you're so pretty. Not only that, you're nice, you're smart as hell, you're loyal, you're funny as hell, do I need to go on?"

You smiled softly. "Thanks (C/N), but I'm really not. You don't have to spare my feelings."

"(Y/N), I wouldn't say this stuff if it wasn't true! How can you not see it?!"

"I don't know, if I really was all of those things, guys would like me," you said sadly.

"Guys do like you. They're just too scared."

"Sure, (C/N). That's ridiculous."

"Do you remember that point in time when we weren't talking?" he suddenly asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It does, trust me. Do you remember?"

"Yeah, I'd always see you in the halls and we would always make eye contact. You know (C/N), I really missed you at that time. You weren't there for me to talk to. I wanted to talk to you, I really did. But I thought that if you wanted to talk to me, you would've. All I had were memories of us last year," you poured out.

"Yeah, and I missed you too. You know why I didn't do anything?"


"I was afraid, (Y/N). I was afraid that since we didn't talk anymore, you didn't like me at all. I thought that I had lost you, and I could never get you back."

"Remember that one time when you were with (C/F/N) and I was with (Y/F/N), and we saw each other at the football game? Why didn't you talk to me then?"

"Because... I don't know. I didn't know what to say to you. I regretted that so much. I regretted not taking the opportunity. It was basically handed right to me, and I didn't take it. I didn't stop thinking about that until we started talking again. I still think about it now, and I still hate myself for it."


"You have no idea how upset I was with myself for letting you go. Every day I thought about you, and how you had no idea how much you meant to me. You still mean a shit ton to me, (Y/N). Do you know that?" he interrupted.

"Yes," you whispered, looking down.

"No you don't."

You looked up, your eyebrows knotted in confusion.

"I really like you, (Y/N). I have since the first day I met you."

"(C/N)... I like you too. A lot."

"I'm so glad to hear that," he said, taking in a shaky breath.

He put his arms around your waist and pressed his lips firmly to yours. His lips tasted of cotton candy, and they molded together nicely.

"I was so afraid I'd never get to do that. That I had completely lost you," he said.

"You'd never lose me," you said, bringing his lips to yours again.

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