My Pleasure

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requested by the lovely AnnoyedAsian!

(R/G/N): random guy's name

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(C/N)'s POV

My job is so boring! I have to act like I'm absolutely delighted to be working here, and I have to be so peppy and polite it's annoying. Yeah, that's right. I work at Chick-Fil-A.

Wait! My day just got more interesting. Damn, this girl who walked in is super hot. But I shouldn't make a move, that's just weird. Yeah, Chick-Fil-A employees are overly nice, but only to an extent.

Shit, she's coming! Uhh...

"Yo, (R/G/N)!"

He turned around. "Huh?"

"I uhh... have to pee! Can you cover me real quick?" I made up.

"Sorry, dude. I'm busy."

Shit, what am I supposed to do? Oh no, she's here...

"Hi there, uhh... welcome! W-what can I get for you today?" 

Gosh, (C/N), could you be more of a loser? Nice stuttering.

"Hi! Can I get..."

Wow, she's really pretty. Like, really really pretty. I could stare forever. Wait, are my pants getting tighter?


Wait, what did she say? Crap!

"Um... I'm so sorry, can you r-repeat that?"

Again with the stuttering! I just want to crawl up in a hole and die. Well, at least the counter is above my crotch area.

She giggled. Aw.

"Can I get a chicken sandwich with ranch please?"

"All right," I said as I entered in her order.

"That'll be uhh... $3.70."

She handed me a 5 dollar bill.

I opened the cash register and I could feel her eyes burning into my soul as I struggled to get her change. All of a sudden, I forget how to do basic math.

After what felt like an eternity, I got her change and gave it to her.

"Your change is $1.30," I said, trying not to drop the coins because I've embarrassed myself enough.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." 

Good thing I can say that without stuttering. It's probably because I say it like a thousand times a day.

"Have a nice day!" I said.

"You too!"

And I did. Today was a nice day, and so were all the days that she came in.

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