Chapter 77: Feeling Content

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Jared's P.O.V

Yeah dudes, Jared's back. Be glad. Show me your love and shower me with cookies and affection...anyway, on with the story.

I've decided that I now have two homes. I have Aunt Charlotte and Uncle's Peter's house, but I also have Jasper's house.

I've also decided that I'd like to live in both houses. Like an alternate two week timetable. One week with Jasper, one week with Peter and Charlotte, and it's been fine. Oh sure, it's been difficult travelling back and forth but that's why vampires have high speed.

No trouble at all really.

In fact, it's been helping me cope with things. Like, you know, the ex girlfriend thing. It's been six months now, and Alice has had no more visions of her, no prompts that she or Aro will be coming to see me anytime soon.

Apart, from Emmett being ridiculously supportive and Jasper bombarding me with random facts (yeah, he still does that), it's all been good.

I'm currently doing a sketch of the forest, perched up high on a branch, but so far, the whole drawing seems to be a bit of a bad idea, as the forest contains one tree too many and it's only a matter of time before you go insane from boredom so yeah, I think I should stop.

"Jared, we meet again." I look down to spot Jasper climbing up the tree I'm sitting on. "Hey." I sigh. He heaves himself up and leans against me. "Whatya doing, kid?" He peers at my half-hearted drawing and raises his eyebrows. "Not bad." He comments, picking up my pencil and adding details.

"But if you add this here," He starts, pencilling in some marks. "It looks less lopsided, more like a tree, not the leaning tower of Piza." He snarks. I snatch the pencil. "Thanks, Picasso." I shoot back, making my way to the floor.
"He was a depressed man!" He shouts down at me.

Here we go, random fact of the day #1.

He dives out of the tree and lands beside me, annoyingly. "And I'm not depressed, I'm very content with my life." He finishes.
"Well good for you, I hope you're proud of your acheivements." I snark, rushing up the wooden steps to the house to find Esme, but of course, Jasper follows.

"If anything, I think I'd be Leonardo Da Vinci." He decides. I turn on him expectantly. "And why's that?" I ask.
Jasper smirks. "He was gay." He shrugs. I shake my head at him.
"And you're gay are you?" I question.

He nods. "I'm secretly loving Emmett, but I've slept with Edward on numerous occassions." He informs me. I turn and looks at him, wondering what prompts him to say this stupid nonsense.

I tut at him to join Esme in the kitchen. "Hey," I lean across the countertop, arms stretched across, watching her chop vegetables. "Hi Jared." She smiles.  "I'm just making lunch for Bella." She informs me. Ugh. I hate that pale faced, shifty, constipated looking girl.

Esme sees my expression and frowns. "What's that look for?" She reaches over and grabs my chin to look at my face. "You look so glum everytime I mention Bella." She narrows her eyes at me. "You don't have a crush on Edward, do you?" She asks gently.

I smirk. "I'm a lesbian." I remind her. "I know," She nods. Carlisle comes in from work at that moment and dumps his briefcase on the floor, Bella trailing in behind him, looking uncomfortable as always.

Carlisle kisses Esme's cheek. "Bella's ready for lunch, I think." He smiles.

Esme plates up and hands it to her. "You shouldn't have. I'm really not hungry." Bella says.

Oh don't lie, we can all hear your stomach grumbling, you greedy vulture.

Edward, who had chosen that moment as the perfect time to walk in, glares at me after hearing my thoughts. I flip him off and boil the kettle. I want tea.
Edward sidles up to me. "Why don't you like Bella? It's been well over a year now." He comments softly.

I glare at him. "If I don't like someone, then that's final. They're my feelings, I can't change them." I pour water and stir, adding sugar before sitting at the table away from Bella, so I can't see her face.

"Hey Jared." She calls after me. Carlisle glances at me after a second of silence, prompting me to say something. I sigh heavily, taking a sip of tea to give me time. "Hi Bella." I say finally.

Thank God that's over.

"How's Peter and Charlotte?"

Oh, never mind, she's not  finished.

"They're good." I mutter. Emmett comes to my side and pulls himself onto the countertop. I wince, thinking it might crack underneath his large frame. "Careful, Chunk...don't break it." I trail off, not having the guts to call him too heavy.

"Wow, way to kick a man when he's down, Curly." He says.
"What?" I ask. "You basically called me fat." He says, smirking. "What? No I didn't!" I protest, but Emmett proceeds.
"I'm gonna have a BF." He decides. I sigh.
"What's a BF?" Bella chips in.

I turn to her. "A bitch fit."
Emmett jumps down, straightens up and yells for Jasper. "Wait until he hears what you've said!" He 'storms' off, rushing to call Jasper, who comes in quickly, to see what's going on.

"SHE CALLED ME FAT!" Emmett yells before Jasper even properly steps through the door. Jasper narrows his eyes at me instantly. "I didn't! He takes things too seriously!" I defend, even though we all know-including Jasper- that Emmett is doing this for fun.
"Really, girlfriend?" Emmett places a hand on his hip savagely. I roll my eyes and make my way to the sofa. Then a hear a thunderous war cry and Emmett rugby tackles me onto the sofa.
I scream in surprise as we collapse together, me tugging on his hair and him tickling me mercilessly.

"Stop! I'll wet my pants!" I shout, which grabs the attention of Esme and Carlisle who come into the room to watch the show. "Stop!" Carlisle yells and Emmett and I freeze in place.
We both stare at him, waiting for his orders.
"I don't know what's going on, but this is how I'm going to handle it." He starts, smiling playfully at the two of us.

"Emmett, you can hit Jared with the pillow." Straight away, Emmett hits me hard over the head and starts grinning happily.
"Jared," Carlisle turns to me. "You can hit Emmett with two pillows." He decides.

My face splits out in a grin. "Ha! Two pillows! I call that a win, bitch!" I sass, knocking him down with the two pillows. "Surely that isn't fair, Carlisle?" Emmett shouts to him.
Carlisle shrugs. "She's smaller than you." He smiles.

"You're amazing, I love you." I compliment and Carlisle nods. "I know I'm wonderful, don't worry." He assures, Esme shakes her head and starts watering the plants dotted about on the windowsill.

"It's the hard knock life, for us, it's the hard knock life, for us!" Emmett starts to sing, but Jasper cuts him off with a you can't sing in tune sort of glare, so he stops.
"It's true though." Emmett adds. "I have suffered many hardships." He says, nodding solemly. "Yeah right, I'll add that onto my list of utter nonsense." I roll my eyes and he smirks.

"What else is on your list of nonsense?" He ask curiously. I smirk at him. "Well apparently, Jasper is gay and you two have slept together. If that's not nonsense then I don't know what is."

Jared Whitlock; Daughter of Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now