The Meeting.

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I wrote this part. I'm writing this with someone else so the person who wrote the part will be listed at the top.

I was finally going to the library after ages of not being able to for a while. As I was heading to the Batfam comic section in it, I may have run into someone and we both fell backward. 

I got up and offered my hand to her saying "Sorry didn't see you. What's your name?"

She replied "It's fine, but were you going to the Batfam section? Oh and my name is Sienna Calloway. What's yours?"

I swear she read my mind. But anyway "Ya I was before this. My name is Silver Todd Hunter. My mom loved Jason Todd in the comics. Who's your favorite batfam pplz? Mine are Jason, Damian, and Cass."

Sienna said "I love Jason and Damian."

We somehow said "I wish we could go to the DC universe and bring the hurt on some villains." together. We looked at each other and started laughing. But in the next moment our lives would change forever, because we were pulled through a portal to Gotham. The last thing I remember was someone saying "The Devil and the Demon have come to take their vengeance." 

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