Frying Pans

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Tim was looking behind him at what was Damian dress in his Robin uniform tangled in nets that were Titanium reinforced. Oh crap, he's going to be pissed. Oh well.

I then grabbed Timmy and threw him out the window, (The window was open and the screen wasn't there.) saying "Bye Idiot!" He grappled away so I'm happy.

We got Damian out with lot's of swearing involved most of it was by him, but it was time to unleash hell on Gotham with frying pans! This is going to be to much fun.

We started talking about love interests cause it was a slow night, so I decided to tease Dami about Irey. "Hey don't you like that speedster Irey? So when are you going to propose? When's the wedding oh and when are there going to be grandchildren running around?" Dami looked at me like I had grown 2 heads, which is possible that was a strange day.

But managed to get out "-tt- I don't know what you are speaking of." As he was saying this he was blushing like a mad person. It was so cute!

Then an alarm went off signaling that a crime was happening. So we went to go beat the person up. We got there to find it was Scarecrow.

He manged to hit me hard enough that I must have fainted. Cause when I woke up I was in his lab stapped down to a table. He was coming towards me with the fear toxin. Crap I have to get away! If he injects me with it I'll kill everyone near me! 

He got to me and managed to hold me still long enough to inject the toxin. 

I stilled and...

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