Fixing The Time Stream

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Once I was sent back to where this whole mess started, I instantly placed my hand over Sienna's mouth. She gave me a look, but I told her "You were about slip about my name and the time stream was not going to look pretty. You become a mercenary for hire and I become Deathstroke's apprentice and the Talon for what is 5 years for me but 15 years for you." With me saying that she looked at me like she didn't know me anymore. 

I broke down in front of the boys crying out, "I'm so sorry! I made deal's with the devil's that walk among us, I sold my soul to save you all from what might have come to pass had I not done what I did! I killed and tortured and was tortured to save you! Deathstroke will never come after Dick again because I sold my soul to him and the Court! I swear I just wanted to protect you!"

"They told me had I not done what I did, they would have killed the entire batfam and you. But before they killed you they would inject all the dangerous chemicals that Gotham's villains had created in all of you and make me watch since I can't die. Once the chemicals were in you they would make you destroy everything you had helped to make. I couldn't let that happen! The court said they would have murdered innocents if I didn't do what I did! So I'm sorry for everything I did!"

Sienna keeled down and hugged me. She said "I believe you. You would sell your soul to save the ones you love wouldn't you? Your fatal flaw is your loyalty, isn't it? Thank you for saving us, Silver. But why must you be a freaking idiot?!?!?!"

"I'm sorry, I just do what I think I have to, so I can save you. Yes, that is my fatal flaw and yes I would and have sold my soul to protect you. You Sienna are my twin sister. I love you like family. I would gladly die for you. I'm so sorry." Was my reply.

The boys had grabbed Bruce and the rest of the family and told them what I did to save them. They all hugged me. 

I looked at the twin I had found in Sienna, "Thank you for excepting me for the mess I happen to be. Without you, I would have probably killed myself. You are the light to the darkness in my soul. Thank you so much for loving me as your sister. We should probably go now though."

The boys let us through, and we headed home. Once we got there, Sienna turned to me and...

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