
65 0 90

By: Lady

The blood transfer and the life support being cut off gave me quite the shock, and I felt my spirit wash away - It was kind of like being pulled underwater, y'know?

But, anyways, I thought I would DEFINITELY die. Silver was knocked out, and it feels like I was drowning or something.
Yet....Then, I opened my eyes. Yeah, I know that my, quote on a quote, "spirit", had my eyes open. But, this was....real.
Due to the fact that I had been in a coma for two months, I didn't have nearly as much physical strength that I used to have, and my brain was quite jumbled up. I had to blink quite a few times to even get a blurry outline of what was happening around me.
Though, I could HEAR just fine. I could hear quick footfalls and the boys were in a rush....But why? Why were they in a rush?
Only then did I see it
Or, him, for that matter. Blurrily, of course, but there was no faking that sadistic grin. No faking that purple coat, and no faking that laugh.
I should've remembered! Joker knows Batman's identity, he just doesn't care! Fuck! How could I forget that?
A, uh, the green mist started to fill the room, and then I could hear coughing and hacking throughout the room. With silver knocked out, and the boys apparently choking to death, I was angry. Angry that I couldn't help, and angry that I let it happen in the first place. I mean, technically everything is ALWAYS my fault. (Truth be told, I don't give a fuck about that though)
Before I could even react properly, someone came up behind me and covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming or anything, and then I was picked up bridal style - And, no, I didn't like it. I was NOT okay with this!

Beyond that, everything went black.
The next time I woke up, I tried to move my hands to wipe away the tiredness in my eyes, only to learn that my hands were tied down to a table, as well as my feet and midsection on an elevated table.

Hey, at least I could see properly this time. Yet, the view wasn't very....nice, I'll put it that way.
Turning my head, I saw Silver in the position, same binds a different person. I saw the boys in separate....Oh my god, were those dog kennels?
Though, if they actually were in dog kennels, they must've had an electric barrier or something before they were all staying exactly in the center, not touching the walls and not trying to escape at all.
"Silver?" I said. Unfortunately, my voice was quite hoarse and dry.
"Yeah?" She answered tiredly, turning her head to look at me with exhausted eyes. Something tells me I was out WAY longer than they were.
"What happened?" I croaked out, wanting to gesture around me at the boys with their, apparent, kennels and both Silver and I's binds.
"Joker. Harley Quinn. And electricity." Silver answered. It was obvious she wasn't in a very good mood. I could see why.
Silver's wrists and ankles were red and raw due to trying to get them off, despite her healing factor. The more Silver moved, the tighter the binds got, and the pressure didn't allow the healing factor to work.
"Just like....Uh, which movie was it? When Harley and Joker turned Tim into Joker Jr.?" I asked, and Tim looked up in both shock and surprise at that. Neither of us explained.
"I don't remember. It's been way too long since we were in our own universe." Silver stated, not really much emotion besides a slight longing.
"I guess so, but -" I was cut off by an obnoxious laughter, that has been emblazoned into my head. Joker.
"I see the girl's finally up! Now, sweetheart, you almost missed all the fun!" Joker cackled, and there was a gleam, like a reflection of light, that caught my attention. He moved, though, before I could figure out what it was.

There was a flurry of movement, and one of, I think, Dick's smoke bombs went off, in which I began to panic - what was happening? I was still a bit out of it - I had been in a coma for two months, after all. Frantically I clawed at my binds as my breathing quickened and I looked around with an almost wild gleam in my eyes - like a trapped and scared animal.

The next thing I felt was someone covering my eyes and a cry of protest - my own, I believe, before a whispered voice in my ear calmed me down a bit. "It's going to be alright, okay? I've got you, I've got you Demon."

It took me a moment to realize that it was Tim's voice that was soothing me. I really wanted to hate him, right now, but I just...I couldn't. Not after everything....Well, that's a story for another time, isn't it? Gently, I felt him release the leather straps around my wrists, ankles, and stomach as the sounds of a particularly nasty battle sounded out around me.

I guess Tim realized that yeah, I was in no condition to be fighting. I hated to be a victim, but damn, I found out that I was barely able to even walk on my own two feet. I could feel Tim behind me, his breath on my neck as he keeps my eyes covered and kept me walk - probably with either Jason or Silver (or both) circling around us to protect me.

I hated being helpless. I absolutely despised it. But, as my feet tried to trip me, and the sounds of battle faded out - although it was very obvious the battle wasn't over; I was simply just farther away -, I thought....Well, maybe this is how it should be. Maybe I shouldn't be the one fighting all the time.

Nevertheless, after we were far enough away from the battle for me not to hear anything, Tim swept me up bridal style and uncovered my eyes so I could see my surroundings again. In the light of the moon, we all looked horrible. I had scrapes and bruises going down as much skin as I could see, and, as far as I could tell, there was blood in my hair from an unseen cut. Tim looked just as bad, if not worse.

I felt comfortable in his embrace, despite the fact that we were both lucky to have our lives. Tim made me feel safe. And I hated that. But I couldn't help it. Although, my current stature of just coming out of a coma and after getting kidnapped, allowed me the excuse to lie my head on Tim's chest

Too cheesy and romance like, I know, me being carried bridal style while he swings us both out into the sunset (or the Manor, actually). But I didn't want it to end.

Tim's heart beat rapidly as the door to the Manor opened, as Alfred greeted him curtly thinking I was asleep. I took that as an opportunity to snuggle more into Tim's chest (- I wasn't in my right mind, okay?-). The latter sighed deeply, and I was jostled he walked up the stairs.

Tim set me onto what I assumed was his bed and covered me up, and after hearing a bit of rustling around and typing on a computer, there was a dip in the bed and Tim's arms wrapped around me again. He wasn't in his uniform anymore, that I could tell.

I questioned why he hadn't just checked me into the infirmary once more, and then gone off to finish the battle, but, hey, I wasn't complaining.

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