
40 3 9

This part is by Star


They then...



They then turned to leave, but my only probably with that was that they planned to use a grappling hook to leave and that involved breaking the windows.

"Excuse me?" I sassed, placing my hands on my hips.

"Huh?", They all gave me weird stares, well, all except Jason. I guess he realized I was still pissed about the whole window situation when Silver had broken the windows.

Yeah, why wouldn't I be pissed about that?

Jason sighed, and turned to his dam large family. And yes, I am apart of two different fandoms, mind you. I'm still wondering when I have the time to go to Long Island....

"Let's Uhh....Let's us the door. We keep our heads that way...." Jason mumbled awkwardly, shuffling in a walk of shame to the door.

Batman, being Batman, obviously didn't listen. Just as the window broke, I stomped over to him and slapped him. Because I can do that. "Batman, you can do whatever the hell you want, being a vigilante and billionaires and all, but the next time you break my window, I will cut your fucking face off. And then put it through a meat shredder with a grin. Don't. Fucking. Break. The. Windows!"

"Woah. By is she so pissed about windows?" Nightwing failed to whisper to Jason, as he hurried his incredibly sexy ass (even though Timmy is my smol bean) to the door.

Jason just looked at him, deadpan. Then he said, "Demon broke all the windows with frying pan on accident. That was a few hours ago, she's still pissed about it. Like, cut your head off pissed."

I snapped my head towards them, and in the calmest voice I could muster, I said, "Yes. And then I will burn the flowers on your grave and dance in the flames." After that, the boys rushed out, and Batman didn't even look at me until he was out of sight.

Silver whistled, "Daaaammmm lady. Remind me to never piss you off!""You already did." I muttered, and was about to speak away when Silver took her mask off and jumped out the window, "Anyway, I've got a bank to rob!"Not the weirdest thing she's ever said. And I have no doubt she'll go through with that."Okay..." I sounded confused, but I was still pissed, so I thought a good walk through the park without my costume was a good idea.

~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Batman. Because he's Batman~~~~~

I made my way into it hideout laughing, at what I have no idea. Maybe I was just hysterical. Or maybe I was just insane. Apparently, Silver had come back from whatever she was doi- No let me rephrase that- Whatever crime she was committing, and was sitting on our newly Red and black themed couch, doing whatever she was doing on her phone. 

"Look who finally decided to show up...." Silver muttered sarcastically, not even looking at me. Whatever she was doing must be important. She would've looked at me to see if I was still pissed if it wasn't. Peering over her shoulder, I saw she was writing something. "What the Hades are you writing?" "A digital journal of our time in Gotham." She answered, going back to typing. Huh. Not a bad idea. Hopefully it gives her a reminder to never break windows around me. Ever. Instead of asking her more questions, I just went into the kitchen after putting my backpack in my room. Yes, I keep a backpack with me even for going on a walk. It's Gotham. Is there any other explanation? I made us tacos, because they are life, and saw something on the news that kinda flipped my mind. Like, blow up and left in the Underworld blew my mind. "Timothy Drake, adopted so of Bruce Wayne, was spotted with this girl," -It showed a picture if Tim and I- "In Gotham park earlier this evening. Questions are raising; Where does she come from? How does she know Timothy? Are they dating? And most importantly; Are they dating? Could they be Gotham's newest power couple?" 

By then, I had grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, but.my mouth was having open in shock. For a second time that day, Silver whistled innocently, which if you knew her didn't sound innocent at all, "Guess that wasn't what you planned for?" She mused. My head snapped to her, where she was sitting with her legs crossed on the couch, phone in hand. "No... I totally wanted to be the center if social media!" Silver shrugged, "Not my fault. If it helps, some other billionaire just got a girl pregnant and she's going to court if child support Maybe that'll help." I looked at her like she grew a second head. "Seriously? My face is plastered all over Gotham! How am I supposed to be Devil, if every time I go out with civilian clothes, I get the flipping reporters! And what the Hades dies a rich guy going to court with a pregnant girl got to do with it?" Silver, once again, shrugged, and turned her attention to her phone, "I dunno. I guess because it might take the hounds you call the press to him?" I sighed; you see what I'm working with, here? Nonetheless, that night I went on patrol. 

Because, well, patrol makes everything better. Per literally all of Gotham's vigilantes, at least. Like it made Silver feel better as he worried about me murdering her in her sleep for breaking the windows! While jumping, I saw a girl, no older than five, being roughly thrown out of an apartment door by hands I couldn't see. She was crying, wailing as most children do, cradling her arm as she landed on it wrong. By the time, I got there, she had crawled into the sidewalk; with much difficulty, might I add. "Hey," I considered the girl's eyes, which, underneath the beautiful blue color, were chattered and broken; she saw things a child should've never seen, I could tell. She flinched away, and I could tell the mask and weapons were scaring her. When she flinched, though, she gripped her arm tighter to her chest, which made her shout in pain, and fresh tears make their way down her face. "It's okay," I whispered, and slowly lifted my mask to show her I wasn't a threat; analyzing threats seems to be d news to her, it's something a kid on the streets, mostly on the streets, would learn. She seemed reluctant to even look at me, a trait quite unusual in 5-year-old, but she let go of her arm and looked at me with. Pleading eyes. 

I was disgusted. Her arm was bent in an unusual angle, and the blurry hand print on her elbow suggest someone big had broken it and she had fought back, why the print was blurry. It was a purple-blue, and that just made me want to punch whoever did it into their own grave. I, instead, looked down at her and asked, "What's your name, sweetheart?" "I-I Shou-shouldnt be talking to you...." She whispered, her voice hoarse like she hadn't had anything to drink for a few days. It explained her unusual skinniness and the bruises and grime covering her. "But....My name's Zöe, or at least, what I named myself. I never had an actual name..." Sh- No, Zöe, was intelligent for her age. I gently picked her up, "A name for a name, eh? Anyway, my name's Sienna, but no one knows that...Yet. I go by Devil, as a code name. Can I take you to a hospital?" Zöe looked at me nervously, but as I repositioned her to be bridal style in my arms, her eyes slowly hardened to show trust.

 "Yes. But, please, don't take me back there! They kicked me out...That's what they said, anyway." I nodded sadly, and took a grappling hook from my utility belt, it was right next to my frying pan. Oh wait! That reminds me that Silver and I are meeting up with Dami in a few days to just kick people out with a cooling utensil! Umm...Keeping on topic now, I warned Zöe that it was going to jostle her arm a little, but I think once we were in the air that she had too much adrenaline to register the pain. For the next few hours, I hacked into the Bat-Computer and looked at all the orphanages and foster homes I could send Zöe too, because God forbid I send her to where she would just get even more mistreated. Apparently, I was so angry someone did that to a child, the I was sloppy and set off a few alarms on the Bat-Computer.

 And that's when the bits and Batman showed up. Through the door of course, since they kept glancing uneasily at the windows. They glared at us, I have no idea why at Silver, but she must've done SOMETHING to piss them off; it was in her nature, after all. Well, Dick, Damian, and Bruce did. Jason looked kind if flustered and Tim looked anxious. "Why the fuck are you glaring at me?" Silver snapped, apparently unfazed and glared right back. "I agree with her. All we did was get captured in our own home and made clones of ourselves that made the real us invisible-Oh."

1592 words! Bam! Kind of worth the wait but there is literally no climax in this chapter!

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