Umm I'm going to run now, Bye!

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  This part is by Star


She then turned to....


~SIENNA's Pov~

I then turned to the family that I used to read about. It was super hilarious to them with Hello Kitty face paint and pink suits, but it was also slightly disturbing when you saw the scowls etched onto Jason and Damian's faces. Dick just looked terrified, and I don't blame him. It was Silver. With caffeine. Anyway, I don't really know where Tim went, he must've escaped somehow.

"Y'know, you mind getting us out of here?" Jason scowled, while Damian just struggled against his restraints.

"Fine....If you make sure Tim hides his coffee so that my unconscious friend doesn't find it. Deal?" I negotiated, holding my hand out even though I knew none of them could shake it.

"Deal!" The three boys answered immediately, all the while Dick shook his head like a maniac.


I 'tsked' and flicked his head, kind of doing what Silver had done earlier. "Grayson....Did you just lose all your brain cells or something? We're in the Bat-Cave. The Bat-Cave can only be found if you know who Batman is. And Jaybird, sometimes you do have to tell your brother SOME things."

Damian was staying quiet, and I think he was plotting against us and was trying to find some sort of sharp object (namely a katana). I grabbed Silver's limp body and carried her out of Damian's reach, then untied them. Damian didn't seem happy, but he just crossed his arms and grumbled something about a painful death and marched up the stairs to the manor.

"Umm....I would stay, but she's not gonna be happy when she wakes up," I pointed over to Silver with a sheepish smile, "And I'd rather not be followed.... So....Uh, Jason, could you take the tracker off her?"

"And why would I?" Jason argued defiantly, with a stubborn expression and crossed arms. "Because..." I thought on a decent threat. "I'll give her...Turkish coffee." With that, Jason seemed nothing short than terrified. He slowly walked towards her, like she was going to jump up and suck his blood (or.... Hehe...I'm not finishing that sentence...). Nonetheless, he grabbed what was about 5 trackers off her. I would've told them to take the trackers off me, but they didn't even touch me. Five minutes later and I find myself in the Riddler's old lair, which Silver had (not)cleverly named it the 'Hell Lair'. Don't ask me why I went with it, that is a story I will take to my grave. And even in hell, that story with stay with my decaying body. "W-What happened? Where's my coffee?" Silver asked, waking up slowly. Even when she wakes up from being knocked out, she still asks about coffee? At least when that happens to me, I say something important. Usually, 'are my comics okay?' See, way more important. "Coffee? Over there." I pointed over towards the newly painted red and black table. Don't her this, but for the last few weeks I've somehow managed to make decaf coffee taste like her regular coffee. You will take that secret to your grave, or I will break the fourth wall and come and murder you. Because if I find it perfectly justified to burn people alive, I find it perfectly okay to kill someone over a secret that might get me killed. Anyway, she woke up and grabbed her coffee, before apparently realizing something and speeding off to do whatever. And that's how I found myself in my current predicament. Right now, Jason freaking Todd just waltzed in, with a completely not-out-of-her-mind (very debatable, really) Silver calmly walking in behind him. Albite, Jay was still freaked out about the whole coffee thing it looked, because he kept looking nervously at the coffee in her hand. When he caught my eye, I mouthed 'decaf' and he looked so relieved I would've started laughing had my phone not ringing right then. Oh, how the universe hates me sometimes. I walked into the other room, out of seeing and hearing distance of both Silver and Jason. I knew that I should, because only a select few people have my phone number (I had it changed because we were in a different universe. Oh, all right, I hacked to change my number, then stole a new phone and SIM card. Because I can do that.) Anyway, those select few people are limited to Silver, obviously, myself, a really nice old lady who gets me free smoothie's when in her cafe, and now Tim Drake. Which sucks, because the lady doesn't call on Saturdays, and Silver was out with Jason, I wouldn't call myself, so that left Timmy boy. And since I was also the anti-hero he had a very heated (ha-ha. get it? HEATED.) argument with about how burning people alive was wrong, and the girl whose friend just had his brother come in, it was gonna be awkward for me, I'll admit. "Hey?" I answered, "Sienna Calloway speaking." I heard a sigh on the other end. Did Timmy really think I would give him the wrong number? Okay, it DOES sound like something I would do, but...I'll shut up now. "Umm...Hey. It's Tim. Just thought I should check if I had the right number." "Ha-ha. Yeah, that would be me." I laughed, then heard a crashing sound. "Is everything okay?" Tim asked, concerned. I sighed, "Yeah, that friend I had to get back to when I first met you? Her names Silver, and I'm pretty sure she either broke something important or...No wait, I'm positive she broke something."I could hear Tim wince over the phone, "I can get where you're coming from. Once, my little brother deliberately broke my laptop, my phone, my tablet AND the backup laptop I keep." Jeez, I always knew Dami could be cruel, but seriously? Never mess with a geek's electronics. "I trust you whooped his ass." "Of course, Well, it also involved a little hair dye, but that's a story for a different time..." Tim trailed off. Then, I heard another voice on the other line yell something along the lines of 'Jay is stuck with the coffee monster!" No doubt that was Dick Grayson, talking about how Jason Todd is now in the 'home' of Demon, the person who went coffee crazy. I heard Tim sigh, and he hurriedly spoke, "Sorry. I must go! My other brother is now stuck with a previously knocked out coffee-crazed lunatic. Uhh...I'll text you later?" It was more of a question than a statement. Nonetheless, I nodded. "Alright, see ya. And just FYI, I'm not even going to question that amount of weirdness in that statement." After I hung up, I went back into the room that held both my estranged roommate and Jason Todd, only to see....


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