Don't ever leave Silver without an Adult.

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  This part is by Star 

Previously: We then saw....



We then saw a shady looking guy in the corner of the cozy dinner we were in, and I don't know if Silver noticed, but I saw the glint of a gun flashing out from the guy's jacket.

"Hey Tim, it was really nice meeting with you and all, but I have to go back to my friend over there" I gestured to Silver, who waved politely over, but didn't take her eyes of the suspicious guy, "But here's my number, call me when you have the time."

I sloppily wrote down my number on a napkin, before smiling once at Tim and speed walking over to Silver. Tim was looking at the napkin in his hand dumbfounded, which I couldn't help but smirk at, Jason and Grayson always were the ones that were smooth with the ladies.

"Silver, you thinking what I'm thinking?" I whispered over to her, and I could see a mischievous glint in her eye that kind of made me question her sanity, and knowing Jason was definitely her Bat-Boys counterpart. Mine would be Damian, except, y'know, older and with less of an ego with more computer smarts.

"Depends on if you're thinking that person over there is really trying too hard to look low-profile. That fedora and jacket just scream 'criminal' to you, don't they?" Silver responded absentmindedly, and I began to question if she ever actually focuses on the problem at hand. Actually, I take that back. She never focuses on the problem at hand. She would be dead if it wasn't for her regenerative factor.

I sighed, and visibly face palmed, "No You really are the perfect match for Jay, aren't you? Anyway, I think we should head out and get in costume, possibly run facial recognition software on the guy." Silver 'tsked' and flicked me in the forehead. It made me blink, and a minute later I returned the favor by smacking her. "Sienna, just have some fun every once and a while. No wonder you get along with Replacement. You both are computer geeks who think too much." I glared at her slightly, but replied anyway. "For your information, if I would have a counter-part in the Bat-Family, it would be Damian. He and I are both aggressive and have a habit of using rather unusual weapons for non-killing vigilantes. I just happen to have a knack for computers and like to have a plan." Silver looked at me with a deadpan expression, and spoke with a know-it-all tone, "Non-killing? please, we both saw what you did to that guy back a few weeks ago." "Fine anti-hero," I begrudgingly admitted, then turned back to where the suspicious man was supposed to be. Keyword: supposed. 

"Great. Now we don't know where the guy went." Silver got up, and placed the check on the table before offering a hand up. I refused it, I was slightly agitated that the guy got away because of our bickering. "Let's go, it's the weekend and morning patrol is going to start soon." I got up, and looked slightly wistfully at the area where Tim and I had been talking. Well, too bad. Patrol comes before really hot guys who also happen to be vigilantes. 15 minutes later and both Silver and I find ourselves scouring the Lower East End of Gotham dressed as our masked personas: Demon and Devil. We heard a commotion coming from a building next us. Well, actually it wasn't a building. It was a shipping crate that was still on the docks and about to topple over into Gotham harbor. 

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