Battle It Out

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   By Daughter_Of_War_CHB    

Jason and I had tracked down Scarecrow to a warehouse on the Lower East side, AKA Crime Alley territory.

Well we had saw quite a ruckus coming from said warehouse and assumed it was Scarecrow since no other supervillains had escaped Arkham Asylum, and Jason had Black Mask and any other gang completely out of his territory.

We had stopped in front of something -Wait a second.... Was that Silver......? Yeah, that was Silver!

...But she had wings? Yeah, fuck that. But, but those wings.... Those were the wings of an archangel. An archangel.... Oh shit!

I've had a revelation, and it's not a good one. Silver's powers? Avoiding death. Do you know who else has those powers? Lucifer. The devil. Satan. Or, as I know him, God's fallen archangel. And it seems he decided to take an interest in Silver.

I could see it in her eyes; they were red as blood. The color of pure anger. There was NO stopping her. She was tearing apart the multiverse, and there was nothing Jason or I could do besides watch it all burn down to the ground, and then watch as Lucifer walked out of Hell with a demon army. All because I was powerless.

Well.... There's ONE thing I could do, but it would either kill me and destroy around 15 miles around me but not Silver, or it could potentially save the entirety of the multiverse AND kill me. Either way, I die. So, here goes nothing'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not very religious and I don't go to church or anything, but I happen to know a few hunters. A few hunters who usually stop the Apocalypse. And, apparently, Azrael (Yeah, I thought he was dead too), a demon who now possesses a lot of power, wants to break the 66 seals.

If Silver destroys even one Earth in the multiverse, the last seal is broken. Heaven loses and Hell walks around unchecked. I was the only thing between that, and a mostly destroyed Gotham but no Lucifer. Even if I die.

"Oh God help me," I muttered under my breath I would've found it ironic, but this was NOT the time to be laughing.

I prayed to Gabriel, the (as I know him) trickster archangel and a warrior of God. Trust me, angels were not cute and fluffy with halos. They were God's warriors. Just read the bible.

Anyways, I prayed to Gabriel, who also doubled as MY personal guardian angel. It was kind of ironic, considering Silver and I were best friends yet her Guardian angel was the devil and mine was an archangel. Technically speaking, Lucifer was a fallen archangel, so, there's that.

When I opened my eyes, they were glowing blue. On my back were wings, except not white and fluffy. They were black and charred at the edges, signifying that I wasn't exactly a righteous woman.

The wings and glowing eyes were generated by the grace I had borrowed from Gabriel, as well as the powers of an angel. Speaking of, I was also glowing with a white light. Whats with all the jazzy stuff? Is it just to make it look better?

I looked Silver in the eyes, red meeting blue and a snarl made its appearance on her face. Our wings suddenly blasted us well above Gotham City.

"Silver, calm down!" I yelled, though it sounded quite demonic, which was also ironic.

"And why would I do that?" She replied, with a sadistic smile that adorned her face.

"Because, well, let's look." I retorted, cocking my head to the side before snapping my fingers.

I made her see reality; took the fear toxin out of her system and showed what she was doing. Then, I showed her what the future would look like if she went through with it.

I honestly didn't know if it was Silver or Lucifer, but when I showed her she laughed. A demonic sound I do NOT need to hear again.

After I came back with Silver (using borrowed grace, I had stopped time for a while), she was still furious and the toxin was back in her system again but she had seen reason enough to calm down. Well, not destroy the entire multiverse but still a lot of the world.

Now that she was that calmed, I think I should leave Jason to calm her down, considering that I'm pretty sure Silver has a thing for Jason.

"Jason, you take it from here." I told him, my eyes still glowing and my voice still mostly demonic.

He looked at me like a crazy person, which I undoubtedly was, but nonetheless turned to Silver.

I would've watched what he did next, but suddenly, my eyes stopped glowing and my wings disappeared. Y'know when I said I was going to die either way? Well, the borrowed grace I used wasn't meant to be used by humans.

Now, Gabriel was possessing me, because I gave him permissions, but it was a rare, almost unheard-of time when I was in control. And it was killing me.

I wasn't Gabriel's true vessel, meaning that I could sustain the archangel, but I only could for a short amount of time. I could pull my skin pushing and pulling under death me, trying to get rid of Gabriel's presence.

"Oh shit..." I muttered as I fell through the air, not even trying to save myself.

Gabriel left my body in a striking flash of light, and I fell towards the ground at a very fast speed.

My body made contact with the ground, and I could hear all kinds of cracks but not the pain for some reason, and even with my healing factor, I knew I'd be I'm a coma for a while.

I turned my head towards the sky, and smiled a bloody smile in triumph because I knew Jain would calm Silver down eventually, and embraced the darkness as it surrounded my vision.

"God help us all," Were my last words before I blacked out, which was a coma I knew I would inevitably fall into. For how long, I don't know.

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