Your Dead Sienna

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She's freaking dead. That's all I have to say to her. She just told Tim and Jason my name. Tim's going to make the connection and then Jason will ugh! I grabbed her wrist and turned to Tim. "You say anything to anyone or write anything down I will find you and break your fingers and destroy your vocal cords. So, try me. Oh and by the way Red Robin so you Tim, Devil over here is Sienna. Now kiss!" I shoved Sienna into him and they kissed. Then I grabbed her and grappled to the house.

I looked at her with a gaze that promised death. Since she could break my back and I said something first I get to break her back. I went to go break some of her bones.

Once I was done with her it was going to take a month for her the heal. Oh, fun. I headed back for the Manor. Time to talk to Timmy.

When I showed up by myself the boys all flipped. As they were flipping out I went up to Timmy and grabbed him by the cape and started dragging him to the docks. Before I pulled him out of the house, I asked Alfred "Can I go to the docks with Timmy here so we can talk? I promise I won't hurt him." Alfred looked at me but nodded.

I took him to the docks so I could talk to him. "Sienna is in love with you. If you break her heart I break you, bone by bone got it?" He looked at me and said "I got it. I would never break her heart though." "Good."

Once that was done I went to do find and drink all the world's coffee. I managed to get it. You would think after all the incidents with coffee and me they would have protected it. But they didn't, oh well time to destroy some things.

I then drank all the world's coffee in front of Sienna. She had a look of horror on her face. This is going to be fun. All the coffee kicked in instantly.

I went outside and started to pull everyone out of the building as Silver and once everyone was out I destroyed the buildings with my bare hands as I was laughing. I then used the rubble to build some orphanages.

Then I went to Slade and pulled him out of whatever he was doing. I told him "You're going to take me as your apprentice. And you are going to leave Nightwing alone. Understand? If you don't do what I'm telling you now I'll kill you. Got it?"

He looked at me and nodded his head. "Good. Let's get started."

With that started the worst 5 years of my life. I got to go through the same things Nightwing did when he was Robin. Except I killed. I had told Sienna to not look for me and that I would come back at some time.

---5 years later---

I hope Jason didn't forget me. To make sure I went out to the museum to steal some diamonds, as Kitsune. He caught me going out of the place. He looked at me like I was a ghost. It was funny but sad.

He then let me go. I ran to go change into my Demon outfit. I ran to the bat cave and gave Dick a huge hug. "I'm sorry for what you had to deal with being Slade's apprentice. But now you never have to worry about it."

With that being said I turned around to find...

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