Try Me

13 0 4

    By Star


To say I was seething with was an understatement. How dare Tim and Dick head look at us like that! We were brave enough to confront our fucking problems, but them? They just put on a fucking mask and acted like WE were the bad guys here! Fuck NO!

"Y'know, Silver's got a point," I started off calmly with gritted teeth, "At we're brace enough to acknowledge our problems, unlike you assholes who just act like WE have the problems when YOU are just as broken!" At the end, I had ended up screaming before I evened my voice out again.

"And that lasso?" Silver stated with a disbelieving scoff. They were probably freaked out that we knew about this, but I was so anger I could barely recognize the words I was throwing in their faces.

I continued for her, seeing as the words would hurt the most coming from me. "You call yourself a friend; yet when your BEST FRIEND was thought DEAD, you decided it best to make out with his girlfriend!"

I couldn't stop now; I was on a roll. If Tim didn't want to listen to true pain, then maybe he should've just maned up and confessed. "Oh, oh, and there's more! Maybe you should've embraced your madness! Felt what WE feel every day! Knowing your completely different by literally every aspect!"

Silver flinched at my words. Apparently, my angry yelling was also impacting her. Probably because I brought up madness; something we were both accustomed to.

Tim looked at me with pleading eyes but I couldn't bring myself to ease my aggression. He started it, and I'm gonna end it.

"You may think your all 'big and bad', but we all know that, deep down, you're just a little child who doesn't know shot about the world! A helpless little puppy following his fucking master!"

By then, Tim had started jumping away to other rooftops, but I didn't care. He had hurt me, and he had hell to pay for it. By either violence, or words. And words are just as bad.

Then, after Tim had gone out of sight, I jammed my finger onto Dick's chest, since I was pissed at him as well. "And you! Yeah, you think it was all your fault? Have your entire family and friends walk out on you because of something you did to SURVIVE! 

How about that, ah, Golden piece of shit!" I yelled, but I wasn't done yet. "You may think you know everything and you can HANDLE yourself, but you can't even handle two little deaths." I seethed.

 After that, I stomped away, and jumped to the nest roof before tucking and rolling, and then running out of sight, leaving Silver with wide eyes at my revelation and Jason, as well as Damian, with sad eyes and fucking Dick-Head with his eyes widened and mouth hanging open in shock. Serves him right. (Okay, I'm trying something new. And only here. I just have to get a certain event known.) 

 -Silver's POV- 

 Sienna just left us standing there, on the top of Wayne Tower with shocked expressions. I knew she had a bad childhood, but I never expected that.... After I got my senses and my wits back in working order, I glared at Dick before grabbing the arms of Jason and Damian and dragging them with me. 

 Together, we got to the Bat-Cave, where we could hear the distant sounds if sniffling. Y was probably Tim. Which meant I gave no fucks. He hurt Sienna; he deserved it. Sienna was like a sister, and a best friend, to me. He can fuck off is he wants to act like an asshole. Jason, on the other hand, apparently didn't have the same mindset as me. 

Stupid brother bond! Anyway, Jason went looking for Tim, and Damian followed suit, apparently seeing that now was NOT a time for attempted murder. Now THAT is a once in a life time thing. 

 Eventually, we found the Replacement sitting by the waterfall with his head in his hands, sniffling his heart out. I s didn't care; he can cry all he might, but I already know that Sienna is probably hurting ten times worse. I was almost positive she had learned to like Tim, maybe even love him.

 And she had just explicitly expressed that she was afraid to love again, so I can't even imagine what she was going through. There are a few things I'm afraid of, and love was not one of them. First, Jason lifted Tim's face and slapped him, and Damian kicked his stomach, and then they both handcuffed me to a pole after stripping me of my lock picks. Then the sentimental stuff began.

 "Why'd you run off, Tim?" Jason asked, trying to be gentle. Yeah, it wasn't working that way. He sounded more like an interrogator than anything else. He's learning! So, I have been rubbing off on him! "Well....Just, just, I know my mistakes. I KNOW I hurt her." Tim started, and with the sentimental as fuck words coming out of his mouth, I still wanted to punch him. Just....About 0.000000000000000000000000001% less. 

 "I never meant to hurt her. It's like I don't even know what to do anymore; whether to be sad, to be happy, or be disgusted. Almost like how Jason is around Silver! Or how Damian is around Irey!" Tim revealed, and I was slowly calming down. I think Jason and Damian drugged me. Okay....Now, about that first part......What did he mean 'How Jason is around Silver'? Wait....Aren't I supposed to be mad?

 I blame all the stupid curiosity for changing my mood. Jason seems to act completely normal around me; passive aggressive and kinda offensive, (that rhymes!), but that's just who he is! Anyways, Tim was still pouring his heart out about how he never meant to hurt Sienna and he only ran away because he couldn't take the harsh words from her anymore. 

Dam, that kid needs Khione for those burns! I really wasn't paying much attention; I was too busy picking the handcuffs. 

 You'd be surprised how effective nails are, even though they are EXTREMELY slow. Basically, I had gotten the locks off about when Tim stopped talking.I jumped down (I was on a different level than them. Rude jerks. ((Bitch!))), and kicked Tim in the head and upper torso multiple times before I stopped and decided it wasn't worth my time.

 "Y'know, I wonder what's Sienna's feeling right now...." I muttered, then I came to a realization and took off running, "SHIT! Since We're here, and Dick went off to Narnia, Sienna's alone to cope! No, no, no, no, no, NO!" 

 You may wonder why I'm getting so worked up about this. Let's just say that Sienna alone in emotional times is NOT a good idea. By the time, I got back, I saw that everything in the hideout was trashed (except the kitchen. 

She loves tacos WAY too much to trash the kitchen), and Sienna was curled up in a ball by the couch eating ice cream. I could tell she hurt; we both did after tonight. So, I decided we could swap stories to make ourselves feel better....

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