Fun with Death!

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This part is by _Stardyst_ Aka Star


I woke up with a splitting headache. Now that isn't unusually, but doesn't it seem odd when the last thing you remember is blacking in a library.

Thinking back on it.... I didn't even get to read my comic! Though, I do remember talking to that girl.... Silver, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, I remember now. We were talking about how much a few said villains should die, (Namely Joker and Heretic. They killed our babies.) And I think that's when I blacked out.

When I was bothered enough to sit up and open my eyes, and yet I had the amazing luck to get a rain drop in my eye. A rain drop! Seriously, does Zeus hate me or something?

Looking around after furiously rubbing my eye, I saw that Silver was already looking at her surroundings. Now that I thought about.... Where was I?

I looked around and saw pavement. And rain. And crumbling buildings I suppose were supposed to be houses.

"Where are we?" Silver took the words right out of my mouth. Her raspy sounded voice made me realize how much I wanted water myself. My throat felt dry. Overall, I just wanted to be sitting on a bean bag in the library, reading about Dami's partnership with Dickie-Bird, but nooo.... I had to black out and get kidnapped and wake up in a strange area! This better not be a modern version of the Hunger Games.... "I'm agreeing with you. Did you see anything before black decided it was my favorite color?" Yeah, you can count on me. Sarcasm and quick retorts even when supposedly kidnapped. "Actually, I did. I heard someone say, and I quote 'The Devil and the Demon have come to take their vengeance'. Creepy, right?" Silver laughed, an odd reaction to basically being taken "Why are we so casual about being kidnapped?" I asked, though it was more half-hearted, it's not like I had any family back home anyway. "I dunno. Maybe we've read to many comics?" I giggled lightly at Silver's remark. And I don't giggle. "Anyway, is there a street sign anywhere around there?" I shrugged, but nonetheless got up. I dusted imaginary dust off my surprisingly comfortable. Squinting my eyes, I could make out a sign out in the distance. "There's a sign right up there, if you want to check it out." "Sure." Silver nodded, them got up and started walking with me. Huh. Definitely not an odd day. Because, who in their right mind, would walk with a stranger after getting abducted? Me, that's who.During our relatively long walk, Silver and I chatted aimlessly, getting to know each other better.

Apparently, the Court of Owls, Deathstroke, Heretic, and Joker were dammed to hell if they ever crossed our paths. Which they won't, since they're fictional. Ironically, at the exactly right moment, the sign came into reading distance. It read 'Gotham City. Home of the Bat! 2 miles.' We both collectively gasped. "Dam....I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." I said awestruck, thinking t was some sort of insane dream. If it was, it was a pleasant one. "We never were." Silver retorted, before running to the top of the hill hay the sign was conveniently placed on, blocking our view of what was supposedly Gotham City in all its hideous glory. "Hey! Wait up!" I grumbled as I ran after, but stopped as soon as I started when THE Wayne Enterprises building came into view. Y'know, the one that wasn't supposed to exist? "Its-Its amazing!" I managed to breath out, and Silver seemed to have the same idea as she had a grin that could've made Joker jealous. I should probably stop using metaphors like that if we have to live in Gotham, shouldn't I? "Too bad it's filled with crime..." Silver muttered, the beauty of the insane city apparently wearing off.

"Let's run into it head on!" I shouted a little to cheerily for a sane person. I then proceeded to run forward, wanting to get into the amazing city who's a*s I was going to kick. I roughly grabbed Silver along with me, and she seemed a little jostled, but shrugged it off and ran with me. "I don't understand why we're literally running into crime at its finest, but do you think we'll meet any of the Bat-Family?" Silver all but shouted as we were running, which I didn't understand because I could barely run fast, let alone talk while doing it. "Probably. If we get into trouble. Let's save that for when we get settled, all right?" I answered back eventually, right when we entered the city. Yeah, apparently, we woke up on the wrong side if Gotham. This was the Lower East end, how I could tell I don't know, and the Lower East end came complete with Crime Alley. The only comfort I took in that is the fact that Crime Alley is now Red Hood, A.K.A. Jason Todd's territory, and he hates when someone tells drugs to teenagers or kids in territory. "Hello?" Silver snapped her fingers in my face as she looked around herself. "If this is the Lower East end, then there's bound to be a few abandoned apartments we could set up shop in, or we co-" I didn't even let her finish her sentence as I had a realization.

"Why stay in a grubby abandoned apartment? We could just 'borrow' one of Jason's safe houses!" Silver sighed, "I was gonna say that. Well, great minds think alike. If I remember correctly, there's also one of Ridder's abandoned hideouts around here, apparently, the password is a riddle, so I don't think we'll have a problem getting in." "Yeah, probably less deadly than breaking and entering a psychopath's ​home, at times, anti-heroes with a gun fetish safe house's." I answered awkwardly, rubbing my hand on my neck and smiling "You, my friend, are certainly one of a kind." Silver responded with a laugh and an eye roll as she walked away to search for Ridder's base. I jogged a few steps to catch up, and at the perfect time too, because my eye caught on to a green question mark that made me wonder how Ridder's ever even had time to come up with and before Batman catches him.

"I think Nigma needs to find a better way too 'hide in plain sight'." Silver just nodded, and ran her fingers against the surrounding brick wall. Her hands brushed against a certain brick, and it pushed back and made the rest of the bricks move and form a door with a screen showing a question. "Really Nigma? You have this super cool hide out entrance, and then have a stupid riddle?" I grumbled to myself, and crossed my arms, but read the riddle anyway. "What's gone when kept, but gone when told?" Silver read aloud, her brows furrowed in concentration. "A secret." I answered quickly, and Silver shot me a shocked look that made me elaborate, "Hey, I'm no riddle genius. I've just heard this one before." Silver nodded to this, and put in my answer. The screen slid aside to reveal a room themed green and black, with weapons and... Is that popcorn? Lining the room. "Cool!" I shouted and ran into the weapons table, stomach first. "Ouch​...." I stood up straight again, and glared slightly at the unmoving object, bit smirked slightly when a small gin came into view. I picked it up, and examined it I was unaware the safety was off at the time, and somehow accidently pulled the trigger. Immediately after I heard a scream of pain, and kind if started freaking out. "I just shot you! Oh, my Ridder's! I just shot you! How do I stop the bleeding? Should I bring you to a hospital? What am I supposed to do!?"

My speech came out so fast, Wally West would've been proud. If he hadn't been sucked into the speed force at the end of season 2.... Silver screamed some more, but it seemed like she was in less pain, it just gritting her teeth so hard her dentist would've had a heart attack. Silver, painfully, lifted her upper body, were a bullet was firmly lodged in her chest. Oh, my Gotham! She should be dead! Though, with closer inspection, I was kind of in awe, kind of jealous, and all confused. Her skin looked like it was pushing the bullet out, and stitching up the wound itself. "That is awesome! Since when did you get powers?" "I am as clueless as you. Want to see if we have any others?" Silver had a light in her eye, and I knew this was going to be fun. 5 weeks later, and we both have discovered that she cannot die (long story) I can heal my wounds like Wolverine (longer story), Silver create clone of us (Y'know, let's just assume that it's all one long story), I can learn everything but memories and powers from skin contact, and she has somehow gotten to learn of the fighting knowledge of Lady Shiva and Deathstroke (who I will pummel). Combined. "Race?" I smirked at her as we went out for our usual run. It was a run-in roof-tops. You have no idea how many spare grappling hook Ridder's has lying around. I mean seriously, who has that? "You're on!" Silver accepted my challenge, and we simultaneously started off. Little did we know how much that run was going to make our lives even weirder....

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