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  By Star


I started off by saying....


Silver started off by saying something that seemed to spook Irey, but I knew we weren't done. "So, Irey, we're here to discuss your uhh.... relationship with Damian."

Even though she seemed spooked, Irey smiled, "We're just friends!"

Tim, seeing the obvious lie, narrowed his eyes at the younger girl, "Is that a lie I detect?"

I smirked slyly, and clapped my hands together feigning innocence, "I do believe it is, Timmy boy. What do you think we should do about it?"

Instead of Tim answering me, Jason took lead, "Well, I dunno.... But we don't tolerate liars. We'll give you one more chance, speedster, tell the truth."

Irey laughed nervously, and started tapping her foot at super speed, "We're just friends...." At Silver's glare she elaborated, ".... But I don't want to be friends."

"That's more like it!" There was no mistaking that enthusiasm or voice; that was Silver, and she definitely had a crazy gleam. This girl is going to know to NOT to mess with Damian Wayne, and if she does.... Well, it's going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

"Umm....What do you want to know...?" Irey asked nervously, her eyes darting from Silver, to the rest of us, who looked just as deadly.

"Who are you to Dami?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes for the effect. It seemed to work.

"I don't know.... I'm probably just a friend..." At that, fear wasn't overtaking Irey said she looked down with sad eyes. Man, if I know anything, the combination of all the Bat-Boys and both Silver and I is terrifying, so if Irey can look PAST that to be sad, well, she's most definitely whipped. Like Damian is.

"Do you ever intend to hurt him?" Dick (Did you know that every time he takes a selfie it's considered a Dick pic?) had his arms crossed, and had lowered his voice. It was scary to anyone who wasn't the people currently in the room other than Irey, so I could tell this voice was reserved for the most important things. 

This was definitely one of them. "Of course not!" Irey's head shot up, and she glared at US, like WE were the bad guys. "I would never in a million years hurt him!" I shared a look with all of them, Tim, Jason, Silver and Dick. We all nodded, and in a split second, grabbed out our weapons. I was holding my scythe, grim reaper style, pointing to her stomach, Silver was holding a few of her throwing stars between her fingers and smiling darkly, Jason had his guns trained on her heart, Tim had his bow-staff pointed at her face and a few Batarangs in his hands, while Dick was pointing eskrima sticks at the girl's chest, and her face. 

 "We know you won't..." Silver started, trailing off and giving me a pointed look. "But just know, that if you do, well-" I was cut off by Tim, surprisingly. "-Well, we'll cut you open." He stopped there, and apparently we were all on a role of finishing each pothers sentences. "Tear you limb from limb." That was Jason, firing his gun next to Irey's shoulder to demonstrate his point.

 Poor girl seemed thoroughly terrified now, but we weren't done. "And then we'll rip your heart to show you how it feels to be heartbroken." I didn't know Dick could even be so terrifying. But then again, the guy once murdered Joker before Bats was able to get him breathing again. And then I remember that was the New 52 before Rebirth and say, 'Nope. That never happened. Go fuck yourself New 52, we didn't like you at all!

'Irey was most definitely scared shitless now. She had become more pale, and I just now notice that all the lights in the hideout had been turned off (most likely by Tim) besides the above us all that gave our faces a creepy glow. Irey crossed her heart and looked at us, completely serious. "I would never hurt him; cross my heart and hope to die." 

 "Good." I nodded, and we all suddenly went back to being humane and talking like usual people. In an instant, all weapons were put away and we were all sitting around chatting, and Tim had turned the lights back on. Irey seemed kind of taken back, but then she seemed that the Bats and everyone around them were crazily bipolar and stiff like this was completely usual. 

"Hey, Irey," Silver gestured to her, who had hesitantly pulled out a seat and was sitting down. "No hard feelings we just had to get our point across. Oh, and I betcha that Damian just got his fair warning form YOUR family. It was probably just as bad, if not slightly less terrifying." Dick looked at the speedster, and shook his head.

 "Nah. Damian's 'warning' was way less terrifying. TRhge6 may had more people who would be out for blood if Damian hurt Irey, but us Bats have Devil, who's already completely terrifying on her own" -at that I gave a smug smirk to Tim- "But we also have brutal violence and a crazed Demon. Now THATS something."

 "You have a point..." I muttered with a small laugh, before I exited the kitchen and sat on the couch. "So...." I looked towards where the awkward voice I had just heard had come from. It was on my left; the chair that was sitting by the couch. 

 "Yeah, Timmy boy?" Don't ask. Usually I just call him 'Timmy boy' when he's not present, but I decided I would be gutsier today. I already scared the living hell out of a 13-year-old kid. What else could I do? Actually, please don't answer that. 

 "Umm...." Said boy in question flushed at the name, "I was wondering if....""Wondering what?" Okay, call me dumb (and I will break you mentally, physically, and emotionally), but I had no fucking clue as to what Tim was getting so flushed about. 

 "Well, I...."

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