Fight, Fight, Fight!

22 0 3

  by Star


Sienna turned to me and....


~~~~~SIENNA'S Pov~~~~~

I turned to Silver, and my glare was kind of deadly, but kind of forgiving, like my mind couldn't decide whether I was angry or sympathetic today. Which it didn't. 

Seriously though, Silver just went on this long ass speech about what would've happened if I had slipped about her name, which, trust me, Silver doesn't lie about that kinda stuff. Basically, she just told us that revealing names was kinda sort of deadly and could affect the entire continuity of the time stream, and she slips up on my name? To Hades with that shit! Though, I think that the boys and Batman were too busy trying to figure out why the hell she was having a mental breakdown. I've learned to just not ask questions.

No questions, no explanations. I don't want to get into the confusing mess of the time stream. Trust me, I've been stuck in the while, 'something happens and the entire time stream collapses' situation before, but that's a story for another time. Actually, all the stories about Silver and I traveling through the multi-verse and time stream are stories for a different time.

"I can't tell whether I should start torturing you, so whether I should start comforting you. You better hope that the boys were too busy trying to dis-figure your mental breakdown to notice your slip." I said off-handedly, walking towards the kitchen to make myself a taco. Because, as Silver has learned, I can LIVE off of tacos if you let me. They are just SO DAM GOOD! Too bad I can't find them at the dam snack bar.

"Can you turn on the news?" Silver asked, walking in front of me and grabbing an apple. I don't know why though, I've never seem her eat anything other than junk food for the amount of time I've spent with her, which is somewhere around...Uhh....I don't know, actually.

"Sure." I answered, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

"-ck to the two main stories crossing over the media today." The news lady said. I want to say it was a reporter like Vicki Vale, but it was an actual news lady! I think her name's Janice. "We have the mystery friend of Timothy Drake, who many people believe goes by the name of Sienna-" It showed a picture of both Tim and I walking in the park, smiling and laughing, and that was about the same moment I paused the TV. I groaned. "Are they still going on about that?" I hit my head onto the wall by where I was standing, and Silver laughed at my antics. "Apparently. Let's keep watching!" Silver exclaimed, snapping the remote greedily out of my hands and pressing play. 

 "Other than that, we have no idea of the name, whereabouts, or even pictures, of the young lady that may have stolen the heart of the adopted son of Gotham's biggest bachelor." Janice the news lady finished, smiling her cheeky smile that I am learning to hate. "I seriously hate that lady...." I was able to mutter before the Janice started talking about the 'next big media craze'. 

"The other story that has been whipping the media into a craze, centers around the anti-hero that Gotham harbors, and common street thief Kitsune, who sometimes goes by the street name Silver." Janice started, before Silver paused the TV and tried to keep the remote from me as quickly as possible. Yeah, no. Not happening. "Nah ah." I teased, before grabbing the remote and pressing play. 

Basically, it was a battle over which one of us could have control of the remote long enough to embarrass the other."The reason that this masked thief isn't just another armed robber, is that there are eye witnesses recounting the events of one of her escapades, saying that she had been playing a game of cat and mouse with the famed anti-hero Red Hood, who controls the Gotham drug trade, and some reports saying that she kissed him! Has the part time hero, part time villain gone soft, or has this street thief stolen the heart of Gotham's most ruthless hero?"

 Now I think Silver is learning exactly why I'm starting to hate this Janice lady. "I-I-Y'know, just turn it off...." Silver muttered, putting her head in her hands. I bet you $50 she was a blushing mess right now. I mean, I'll admit I was when Janice said, and I quote, 'young lady that may have stolen the heart of the adopted son of Gotham's biggest bachelor'. 

 "Nope. I'm enjoying torturing you." I smirked. "You may not be able to die from actual torture, but you can die mentally from confronting feelings." Silver groaned, and I was about to press play when she came up with a snappy comeback (a little late, nonetheless), "I can say the same about you and Tim, I mean, you ship Timnna, don't you?"

 I punched her in the shoulder, and she did the same, but that was about when I pressed play. "However, we have to wonder if these are connected as some theories suggest. Both Kitsune and 'Sienna' appeared around the same time, and stole the hearts of two important people. Could they be partners? Sisters? Spies? Or even the same person?" Wow. 

These news people really are stupid at times. "Okay, now I'm turning it off..." I muttered as I did just that. "You think the boys would laugh at this?" Silver asked, laughing to herself. "Personally," I voiced my opinion, "I think that Jason and Tim would be blushing, considering that Janice lady-" "Who?" "News lady. Anyway, they'd be blushing considering that the Janice lady just said that we 'stole their hearts' while Damian would be berating them, Bruce would be nodding his head disapprovingly, Alfred would laugh to himself, and Grayson would tease them while laughing his ass off."

 I listed off. "Actually, Damian was just teasing." We heard a voice say. Do you know how glad I am we didn't change out of costume and didn't take our masks off? Probably not. But I'm very glad. The voice belonged to none other than Timmy, in costume, who had his arms crossed. "Shit, dude, how long have you been standing there and how much did you here?" I asked, kinda freaked out. 

 "Window." Tim shrugged, "And the only part I heard was the 'do you think the boys would laugh at this?'" "Just one question:" Silver narrowed her eyes behind the mask, "Why the hell are you here? Devil was eating her effing 5th taco! You should know how she gets without her tacos!" Okay, the taco story is for another time and likely a story that will repeat itself. Like the story about Silver and....Coffee. "Well-" Tim was cut off by the sound of something breaking. "We seriously need to update the security systems. We get broken into a lot." I muttered before rushing to where the sound came from. 

 "Oh...Shit..." Yeah Tim, oh shit is right.

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