15 years

15 0 0

By Star


With that I turned around to find....


~~~~~SIENNA'S Pov~~~~~

I couldn't believe it. After 5 years and she just.... After 5 years, she just suddenly comes back? After being Deathstroke's apprentice willing? Did Silver really think I would forgive her so easily?

Her eyes widened in shock behind the mask, the mask of the person I once called a partner. I kind of wonder if she really knew how long she had been gone, because I don't think she realized that I stopped being Devil long ago. 15 years, to be exact.

Just as well, 15 years ago, I cut off all contact from the Bat-Family, Tim included. I just couldn't look at them knowing that Silver wasn't with me. The only reason I was here today was because I felt it in my gut that I should go, and my gut is always right.

"Si-Sienna?" Silver's voice cracked, which was understandable considering she's seeing her once sister-like best friend that came with her from a different universe and had been her partner fighting crime. I would've had the same reaction.

"Yeah, but I go by a different name now," I whispered, looking down and trying to keep the tears out of my eyes. Because, not only did my best friend leave me for 15 years, but I just bring myself to think about even trying to trust her again. And, also, it was true. I go by a different name now. I go by the name Shadow, a mercenary for hire. It was the only way I could even try to keep an eye on her, and any sense of moral that I had broken when she left.

"And that is?" Silver asked curiously.

I lifted my head, and my blue eyes met her masked ones. My eyes had an unwavering sense of danger and darkness, the same aura that I knew she had felt somewhere before. "I go by Shadow."

My voice was firm, revealing too. Confident, but arrogant as well. Light, but filled with too many shadows to be bright again. My voice, it seems, reflects my soul.

"Shadow..." She repeated, and took off her mask as fast as possible revealing broken, shattered green eyes. "So, it was you all along? Who led me into battle? Who almost got me killed? Who disappeared off the face of the earth!?!?!?" With every word that came out of Silver's mouth, she took a step forward to the point where she was pushing me back by jamming her finger on my chest. 

 I kept my voice monotone, but nodded to what she was saying. "And you're the one who made me disappear." "Twice." The bold voice that spoke up was Tim. He had turned into a fine-looking guy, I'll give him that, but I just couldn't look at him the way I used to. Like someone cut a cord on that train of thought. 

Well, makes sense. I basically gave up any chance of romance, and would gladly join the Hunters of Artemis. 

 "Huh?" Silver looked confused, and I couldn't blame her. The poor girl looked like she had aged half as slow as the rest of us, so how she was supposed to look 10 effing years ago, and she didn't seem to realize that it's been 15 years. She hasn't even realized how much older we all look, so Slade must've done something to make time affect her differently... 

 TIME! That's the answer! That's how I can fix all this!

 "Well, Sienna disappear--" I ran up the stairs that led to the manor, not even caring to listen to Tim explaining to Silver that she was gone for 15 years and thought it was 5 years and a bunch of other confusing stuff I don't really have the time (hehe) to remember because I have other stuff on my mind.

 For the next few days, I holed myself up in Tim's room, the room that a 15-year-younger me would've berated me for, but his room had all the tech I needed and he had notes to build just about anything. I hadn't exited the room once, and no one bothered to check on me except the time when Tim came into the room he thought was empty to sleep before exiting. I didn't need to be checked on, anyway.Tim's room had a mini fridge and a bathroom, so that was all good. By the time two weeks of Silver's return rolled around, I had super dark bags under my eyes, callous on my hands, grim and dirt covering my skin, and sweat that make me shine like effing Edward Cullen, something I greatly despised, almost as much as Deathstroke.

 Thankfully, I was done by the two-week mark. I exited Tim's room breathing heavily, my baggy shirt covered in dirt and oil. I walked into the kitchen, where everyone was just sitting and talking. Jason and Dick were arguing over who knows what, but it probably had something to do with Dick being the new Batman (Bruce got too old for it), Tim was hacking something with a mug of cof-tea, yeah, that was tea. Bruce was sitting and reading the newspaper. Alfred was cooking breakfast, and he didn't look a year older than he did 15 years ago, and I know for a fact that Alfred is immortal. Damian, on the other hand, now around 25 (it had been 15 years, after all), had his arm snaked across Iris's waist, and chattering with her while complaining about the lack of order in the house since Silver had come home. 

Silver....Where was she? I looked up, because Silver always did tend to find the highest place around when she felt uncomfortable (it was almost as weird as my fetish to burn people alive. And yes, I will remind you of that every chapter.). Silver, like I assumed, was casually eating breakfast on the kitchen chandler. 

 "Hey! Silver!" I cupped my hands over my mouth and shouted to get her attention, causing everyone to look at me in surprise because they hadn't noticed my presence. "I have something to show you!" Silver looked down at me with a cautious, guarded look. I have no doubt that Tim and the rest of the family had told her of what I've done over the years, and trust me, none of it was anywhere near good and holy.

Nonetheless, Silver still jumped down and followed me as I led her to Tim's room. I had something crazy planned. And Silver was going to go along with it whether she likes it or not, Though, she probably will. It'll give her the chance to have a relationship with Jason that she used to be on the verge of, and it'll stop a lot of madness from ensuing. "Okay, either you go in there and fix everything in the past to the way it's supposed to be, or you don't and life keeps going on the way it is now." I explained bluntly and vaguely, gesturing to the machine I had built.

 "Is that a time machine?" She gaped, but her eyes hardened and she made her decision. "I'll go. But, uhh, could you explain what the hell with happen once I go back?" I nodded, and started explaining as I connected wires as Silver sat in the machine. "This machine will send your consciousness to right before I slipped up on your name, so that means your body from now will stay here, and you have one chance to stop me from slipping up or we're going to be doing this same thing in another 15 years." 

 "Cool!" Silver exclaimed, before I quickly shut the machine and turned it on. There were a few sparks, and a lot of sparkly lights, as I turned it on. "I may have forgot to mention that this may hurt...a lot!" I yelled over the noise the machine was creating, and pushed the button to send her back before she could protest. 

What a nice friend I am! Not. One thing I have not lost over the last 15 years is sarcasm, by the way. Silver let out a few muffled screams of pure agony, and the rest of the family ran in to see what was happening. "What the hell did you do to her?!?" Jason yelled at me just as the machine completed its job and the opened, to reveal a limp Silver whose skin was almost as pale as a pure white sheet.

"Fixing the time stream." I muttered darkly, before a blinding white light filled the room, telling me I accomplished my goal and their time stream was back to normal. "For your sake." Were my last words before this version of me was erased from the time stream, and the continuity of space and time was the way it was supposed to be.

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