Feels Coming!

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So, I finally got away from Sienna. Time to go rob a bank blind! I hope Jason tries to stop me. It'll be great!

I pulled on a Japanese Kitsune mask so no one would think that I'm Demon or who I truly am. So, I snuck in using 1 of the carts that someone was pushing. I went in and waited for the bank to close so I could get out. Before they closed the big vault door for the last time, I stuck a rock in between the door and the wall. It worked and nobody noticed it.

Once I grabbed all the money without tripping an alarm, I headed out. As I went out of the vault I grabbed the rock and shut the place up. I then made a clone of myself and grabbed the bag I had stored that looked like there was money in it. I sent the clone to deliver the money to the base.

I went to the roof and acted like bait for Hood. I knew he would come, he seems to love chasing me all over the place. Last time he had me pinned before I pushed him of quickly and vanished. It was funny to see how he reacted. He had murmured that he should have kissed me.

Anyway, back to baiting him. He fell for it right away. Once he got close I took off running, jumping, rolling, diving, and just combining the Bat clan's movements. It was fun to watch him try to keep up. I called out to him over the wind "Come and get me Baka! Oh, what your too slow!"

He growled and speed up. I let him get near me again and took off to start the game again. He was not happy with me, I just started laughing at him. At one point, he stopped and let me go.

I doubled back to see him sitting on the roof, and whispering to himself, "I can't believe this I'm falling for a criminal. And I think she likes me back. No stop Jason, you can't love her no matter what."

He then took off his helmet and looked at his hands. I felt sorry for him. So, me being me I hacked the comm and used a voice modifier to talk to him.

"Jason, you are a wonderful person, I know what the Joker did to you and I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. Bruce broke in more ways than you know when you died. Dick killed Joker for you, Tim talked to your costume because he felt like he wasn't worth anything. Where I come from, Tim once saved everyone, and was happy even though he was about to die. He thought that he was nothing, and that everyone else was worth more than he ever would be."

"Bruce has always need someone that was a light in a sense. Why? Because he may have been your rock but you and everyone else in the clan are his strength and light. Dick lost you and he was broken he cried for days, Alfred cleaned and wouldn't stop for a month straight. Tim was only taken in because he would have done it anyway, and Bruce didn't want him to die."

"Damian will need you, he will die and come back, but where he went he had to kill anyone that was near him or he wouldn't ever be able to come back. You are need and necessary. Joker will die 1 day and someone who cares about you will kill him. Who knows? It might be your future wife."

"Know this people would die for you in a heartbeat. That you matter. That you are more then what you are now. I'm one of those people. Jason, don't die for the ones you love, live for them."

Once I was done with that whole thing, I got out of the comm links, and pulled off the voice thing. I walked up to Jason to see him without the mask on crying. I bent down and pulled his face up to mine. "I see you are human after all." Was all I said before I pulled him into a kiss.

This was a kiss to create and destroy, everything. It was love and hate, sorrow and joy, order and chaos, this was heaven and hell. And it was all from 1 action. I pulled away trying to breathe. He looked amazed. I asked him "Why are you crying Stripe?" He glared at me but said "Someone just told me what my family really was like after I died. I wish I could take back a lot of pain now." "Well now you can put your effort into fixing tomorrow instead. See you tomorrow love." "Bye Kitsune" Was what I got back.

I left and headed home. I must tell Sienna or she would kill me! Once I got home, I yelled "Sienna get your butt down here! You won't believe what happened!" She came to me faster than any speedster could. "WHAT HAPPENED SILVER, WHAT?!?!?" "Calm down Sienna geez." I got her to breathe and then I told her.

After I told her everything she looked at me for a minute before "WHAT? ARE YOU FOR REAL! YES! I SHIP IT! JASLVER!" "CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT! GEEZ! IT WAS ONCE WE AREN'T EVEN TOGETHER! SO HOW CAN YOU SHIP IT?!?!" I yelled at her. Why do I put up with her? Oh, right she's kind of like my sister.

So, I headed out again to the bat – cave, time to piss off the family. Once I there I found Tim's coffee and drank it. But it was going to take about an hour to take effect. Time to sass the bats.

I went to the cave and waited for my first victim. After 4 minutes, I had 1. So, I sassed Bruce to death and then was sarcastic. It was funny to see his reaction. I did all of this for an hour to Bruce and then Hell broke loose, in the form of me with coffee!

A/N I poured my soul out in this chapter so you people better like it! This is 1050 words so you better be happy!

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