Oh Crap

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By Star

~~~~~SIENNA'S POV~~~~~

Y'know when all you're doing is trying to kill criminals, it's inconvenient to have your partner on a coffee high that is meant to raise hell.

Yeah, that happened when I got a call from Tim about Silver being on a coffee high...Not good.

But now that I have my miniature arsenal, I think I might be good. Because I have my own costume knock-out gas designed specifically for situations like this, I think it'll be okay.

I waltzed into the Bat-Cave, making an entrance to show Silver, now dressed as Demon, that her coffee crazy self has one obstacle left to deal with. Me.

I saw Jason, Tim, and Damian all hiding behind the Bat-Computer, the coffee Silver drank on the table, and Bruce and Dick were knocked out, while Silver was drawing in their faces with a...is that a pink sharpie? Yeah, that's a pink sharpie.

She looked up at me, and the Joker-Worthy grin on her face quickly dissipated and left a rather sour look.

"What are you doing here?" She glared. I glared back. I've come to realize that whenever Silver gets coffee crazy, look her in the eyes. She takes it as a challenge and gets reckless.

"You're causing more trouble than you're worth, Demon. You know I WILL beat you up." I threatened, and narrowed my eyes.

She scoffed, got up from her crouching position, and lunged at me. Luckily for me, I had my hands being my back the whole time and those hands were holding my infamous knock out spray.

After a punch in the nose that I will curse Silver out for later, a kick in the ribs that Silver will thank me for later, and a shin kick, I finally got an opening and sprayed the knock out spray in her face. At least it smells like strawberries!

I stood up, wiped imaginary dust off my costume, and clapped my hands together. "Well, I'm glad THATS over! Now, let's get to cleaning this you, shall we?"

It was sarcastic. In no way shape or form was I going to clean up. I may be Silver's partner, but I will not clean up her mess. It was, after all, not my Bat-Cave.

~~~~Time skip brought to you by.... Zöe~~~~

2 hours later, and Silver just woke up. My knock out spray doesn't last long, just until whatever the person is on/or uses, gets out of their system. Silver woke up still on the floor, because the boy's kind if just skirted around here, and looking at her as if she would wake up any minute and attack them, and I just didn't want to go through the work of dragging her to the infirmary. Though Silver just woke up, Bruce and Dick-Head were still out for the count, though they had been dragged by the unwilling boys to the infirmary, something about Silver bites? Whatever that was. But I have no doubt it must do with her Biting them.

"What the? What happened?" Silver asked, getting up from the floor groggily and rubbing her head. "Coffee high," Were the only two words I had to speak for her to understand, and I then nodded towards a desk that was right next to her, that Alfred had set tea of only a few seconds ago, Because Alfred knows all. Even when an unconscious person will wake up. After a few minutes if the annoy sounds being Silver sipping her tea, and looking mildly disgusted, she smirked and looked up, "So... While I was out, did I miss any Timnna moments?"

I really regret telling her what happened when I went on that walk a while back now. O told her a few hours ago, right because she came here to go coffee crazy, and I only did it because I thought it was fair since she told me of the Jaslver moments. Right now, though, I don't think I give one damn fuck on FAIR! "Shut up!" I snapped, though I couldn't tell whether my face was red, but it probably was as red as my fire-user colored hair. "And why would I?" Silver retorted, twirling a lick of her hair to mock me. "Because..." I had to think of something quick, "Because....I'm sure Jason would LOVE to hear all about Jaslver. I mean, wouldn't he?"

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