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  This part is by Star


I saw Sienna and she was...



To say I was pissed was an understatement. Not only did she break a bunch of windows, but she also left a fucking curious Jason Todd in our hideout! Like, the fuck Silver?

The moment Silver came back, I stopped my pacing. I turned my murderous glare towards her, and made a killing gesture. I then, wordlessly pointed to Jason, who seemed slightly disturbed.

"Uhh...Demon?" Jason said questionably, fidgeting with the gun in his hand, "Umm...It would be nice to Uhh...Not leave me with the scary partner of yours who's really angry right now...

Silver seemed to expect my rage, and slightly hesitated, something that only happens when she knows something horrible (yes, worse than burning people alive) is about to happen.

"Hey...Uh, Devil? Could you leave Jaybird out of it?" Silver cautiously watched her mouth, something that probably saved her from the slight pain of having to regenerate her pinkie.

"I will-" I was probably about to employ a very not-so-empty threat, when Jason's comm rang.

"Red Hood, reporting." Jason spoke, his usual gruff personality making a comeback.

"Yeah, I can do that." Jason nodded, then paused and talked again, "Really Tim? You have 'business to attend too'? No, I bet you just Wanna get off patrol so you can hang out with that girlfriend if yours!"

Not gonna lie, when Jason said 'girlfriend' and 'Tim' in the same sentence, my heart dropped a little. He never mentioned a girlfriend, didn't even reference it. Is it Stephanie? No, I've come to realize that in this Earth Stephanie never had romantic feelings for Tim, they never dated and barely talk.

"HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT, JASON? SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" I heard a muffled shout from the other line. Yeah muffled... That's why I could hear the shouting loud and clear from 5 feet away.

"Girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrows. I may have seemed cool on the outside, but do you know how happy I was that Tim didn't have a girlfriend? Jason pulled the comm out of his ear, and smashed it. Guess the mission he was undoubtedly needed for wasn't very important. He sighed and shook his head, "Tim's been talking about this girl he met at a coffee shop. I can't remember her name; Sierra? Shiela? Sienna? Yeah, Sienna. Anyway, the boys and I have been teasing him about it." Silver decided to have fun Jason not knowing our identities. Just like that, we seem to forget the window incident. Because we're special like that. "Y'know, if I recall, you seem to have taken an interest in a certain Street thief? Silver, if I remember correctly." Jason got a defensive stance, put a pout on his face, and turned his face. Huh so I guess that's what Silver does on her abnormal escapades. A street thief. And here I thought she would be a magician (note the sarcasm.) "Well, then, I guess it's it-" I would've finished my sentence (obviously), but I felt something in my neck. A quick prick, but enough to raise suspicion. I pulled it out curiously, and saw a dart. A tranquilizer dart. At least I know my healing abilities will get the toxin quickly out of my system, but I'm still gonna pass- And the world went black. I think I faintly heard some shouts, and some gun shots, but I couldn't be sure.~~~~~ A/N: Hey! I'm the co-author of this story, and I just want to say, I'm kinda sorry/not sorry for taking so long to write this. Now you feel a minimum of what I felt at the end if MoA. PJO fans know what I'm talking about.


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